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He's cute. And likes cats
Turtle Lurtle xx
Billy, or if I'm not allowed him I have plenty, either Alivia or Phoebe if I had to choose. ❤️
A whole lot of nothing! ): ask me things!
Da na na na na na. Preach it!
What pics?
Often ;)
I'm not *exy. But thanks. Why don't we talk anymore? Probably for some reason.
I don't really see myself that way. This is probs one of the mates being a homo. Chur.
Year 9 - Phillis, Madre and Melissa P Year 10 - Samantha, Kate and Taylor McChon... Year 11 - Dannica, Melissa L and idk.. Year 12 - Dan, Darian and Gina Year 13 - Chelsea, Erin and Shanae :)
Ma nigga ;)
My photos and jewellery are the most valuable to me, but my laptop cost the most..
someone with a great sense of humor. a person who i know will be there, somebody i can be myself around. A person that is supportive, caring, easy to talk to and just my best friend!
I do have three! just sometimes I don't know where I stand with one of them. i'll edit the question if it's phasing you.
Daniel - he has been there fof me every time I have needed him. He is always willing to do everything he can for me, and he will always be my best friend. I love our friendship to pieces. Billy - he is the most caring, most lovely man I have ever met. He cares for me, and I can be myselg around him. I think thats the best part, we are both ****heads :) he makes me happy, and I love that fella to the moon and back <3 :)
You got that right.
This cheered me up a bit, thankyou anon!
Thanks anon. I'm sure you are also.
Thank you! I can never decide what to do with it. .
The vow. Every. Single. Time.
I have a few, but Billy and Daniel are my best friends.
Facebook. Twitter gay
i have a few.
I', quite unmotivated at the moment. I need someone pushing me, or helping me. But i want to move out, get my restricted, and pass level 3.
every single person who stood up there today deserves the position. we'll see what the students decide.
Falling asleep next to him :)
My 2 best friends, and my boyfriend :)
no probs. maybe, we'll see on how things go.
my phone.
the semi finals for the netball season just been.. ):
I hang with my mates at school a lot. I wish I could see my boyfriend more, and I love to hang with my two besties and my boyfee :) sure do!! follow!
Billy Manson. not even kidding. I can always count on him.
Billy - he is my best friend because he is my boyfriend. he is the first person I go to with anything! it doesn't matter how big or small, I know I can count on him. he is so caring, and makes me so happy. Daniel - he is my other best friend that is always there for me! we have some awesome memories and I know he always has my back. Darian - I can go to her with pretty much everything. we have been friends for quite a while, I love how she is so beautiful, and such a *****y person! like me!
One of my three best friends. you might see us around a lot, we get quite *****y when we're together ;)
Daniel. Billy. Darian. (aren't girl and gal the same thing?)
I love to love all my friends, if there is hate involved then there isn't really love is there?
darian, but she don't reply yo!
Darian, Daniel and Billy. they have always been my family, they always will be.
I don't like the snobby *****es. the ones that look down their noses at everyone. its really rude. and anyone who be's a ***** to me pretty much :)
Billy, Darian, Daniel, Muma, Dad, Samantha and Katelyn.
I have lots of people, with different qualities! Probably my three best friends.
Darian, Daniel and Billy.
I would want to be better at playing netball, like really stand out!
Tuesday, kos its the day I usually get to see the boyfee.
Chemistry. end of conversation.
Darian. it helps that we are both teenage girls and go through the same stuff. I can talk to her and ask her advice on anything.
I have 3 best friends, I met two of them at school, and my other at work :)
uhh, probably em :)
Would you? Aw thanks anon!
Billy. Obviously :)
Thats what I'm going to do! I don't even know if I'm 100% going to uni. We'll see, but I'm definitely taking a gap year!
Holiday, I love going places :)
Work. I would rather work full time than do school. I'm over it.
Airplane. I'd rather fall than drown.
Coke. Pepsi tastes like unfizzy, fizz.
Ew. Whipped cream is yuck.
Tiger, they white ones!! #noracismintended
Hippo. They're pretty cool
Chicken. Its my fav.
Mini !! The new shaped one :)
Billy, I haven't seen him in a week ); and my sisters came in with their friends, I had a good wee chat to them :)
Work was gay. I'm so tired. And I miss my lovely ):
Am I really? How wonderful is that ♡ that makes me so happy!
Ofcourse they can be best friends!! What a silly question. Besides billy, daniel is my best guy friend. I've known him for like 6 years now. Just kos you are the opposite se*; it doesn't change anything if you're best friends.
Dan Hunter, Darian Walding, Sian Cox, Jessica Willox, Chelsea Slee, Dannica Phillips, Gina Shaw, Grace Valdes, Erin Phillips and Mikaela Karton
better than good ;)
We had been best friends for about 6 months. And I don't think you judge that on time, its the connection you feel towards a person.
When I was 15. I regret it.
If this is billy, then I love you too! Anybody else, then no.
i'm really vain. vain means you love yourself. 1) I do not love myself. 2) I am only Bit**y about thoses that are Bit**y to me. 3) I don't have a problem with anyone unless they do something to me. And boy, have you pushed my buttons. go away with your good night.
what's it about then? what makes me so annoying?
You're* Thanks though, guess I won't be getting your vote for head girl ;)
k. lowlife.
Hmmmm. I've never told this to anyone, but sometimes i get a stutter and i really have to try hard to hide it. I get it mostly when I'm really scared or nervous.
Play as GS for the silver ferns.
She can be quite two faced, I don't like that. She's my friend, she's cool
I don't really have much to give away. Probably my photo's, I want to know they are going to be safe when die. I love them all.
Been tiring. And pretty sore. Keen for some cheering up.
Their sense of humor. Their kindness and how they care for people. How motivated they are with everything. #everythingthatbillyis
Just say it.
We do grown up things together, like go out for lunch, shop, cook.
Thanks anon. I agree with you!
Billy Manson; it is you. <3 can never get enough! :)
If I was nice all the time then I would be a push over. chur.