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Ask me anything you like anonymously

21 Replies

Me love you with all my hart!!

NaWw that's soWw sweet !* thXxiieZz mAn !#* ;)

nemoninja replied 3641 days ago

HeyyZz nemo!!* thanks for everything!! I appreciate everything youve done with me&for mee!!* youre the best ever!!*,,everyone stuggles to find a best friend cuz the very best is already mine!!* I lovee you tons sista!!*♥-A-D-

NaWwZzz thx man !* I loveZz youZz 2zZz* thx for loving me even with my darkside !*

nemoninja replied 3644 days ago

I bet you wil be thinking of who this may be !! Yeah your not gonna find out Whahahahahahah Hahahahahah I want to go to space and see a little baby just sitting on mars !! Haha that would be awesome !!

Haha you're crazy and just b.t.w I know who you are !!!#* :p

nemoninja replied 3645 days ago

HEY !!!! I'm alive and not dead !!

Haha uhMm we'll that's gOod news !!* :)

nemoninja replied 3645 days ago

Hey!! Jys die beste mensie wat ek ken!! Ek waardeur jou vriendskap baie! Ek sal altyd hier wees vir jou!! Dankie vir alles JY!!

#HeyZz aWw thx a lot haha but uhm eka ht owk al bja foute gemaak ma jawhZz hehe dz 'n groot +ierQ !!* :p #

nemoninja replied 3652 days ago

Hey hey likkewyn ,,,, tnx for being such a very good friend ,,, and always being there if someone needs you ,,, I LOVE YOU {( hug )}
Lovies a lot likkewyn

NaWw its me pleasure !!* I love you 2 me octapus ! ;p. */we have come a long way hay !!!#*♡ xoxo

nemoninja replied 3652 days ago

Hey ,, Tammy thanks for being such a good friend !! Its really AWESOME of you !! I'll always be there for you !!!

EYyOo j !!* nawWw dz my +ierQ jngii !!#en thx its good to know !!* ;p

nemoninja replied 3652 days ago

Hey ..!!!**# hoe do you hate the most

I don't hate anyone cause its not worth hating someone #* :)

nemoninja replied 3653 days ago 1

Do you no n Maarten mabee

Uhm ja !!? Kan j my asb gu ping

nemoninja replied 3653 days ago

Who is that


nemoninja replied 3653 days ago

I mean at school

Yes I have a brotha but his not like blood-family .,* he is like a brother to me !!#*

nemoninja replied 3653 days ago

What boy do you love the most

My brotha !!#*,,

nemoninja replied 3653 days ago

Lief vir jou!!*<3

Hehe naWw thanx !!* I would say it back if I knew who u were ?!*

nemoninja replied 3654 days ago

Who is the one you love who would be at your side in Paris ??

That's my secret !!* ;)

nemoninja replied 3654 days ago

Who gave you your nicknames ??

Chanelle gave me nemo and shane ((in high school)) have me ninja !!* :)

nemoninja replied 3654 days ago