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C'mon don't hide your name :)

866 Replies

Fúck you niggér. ChaosAwaitsYou


nicole_marshall replied 1811 days ago

Insta naam?


nicole_marshall replied 1812 days ago



nicole_marshall replied 2000 days ago

Who do you have a crush on?

- IDK who I am

Keagan Louw

nicole_marshall replied 2000 days ago

Jy het n mooi kat??

Dankie ?

nicole_marshall replied 2000 days ago

Nee ons het nog nooit nie.


nicole_marshall replied 2000 days ago

The things I would do for you. Ek sal jou op my hande dra. My hande wat veg vir mense se lewe wat ek nie eers ken nie. I really like you. ??

Het ons al ooit van tevore gepraat? ?

nicole_marshall replied 2067 days ago

Hey jy!
Wil net vir jou se ek het n heavy groot crush op jou en ek wil jou graag ontmoet!
Lekker aandjie verder!

Hey hey

??awwwg die het ek nie verwag nie
Dankie, selfde vir jou

nicole_marshall replied 2067 days ago

Fuxkit you're a beaut, i'd like it to get to know you more ?

thank you x Message me then

nicole_marshall replied 2067 days ago

You interested in anyone?

it's complicated

nicole_marshall replied 2067 days ago

You are absolutely stunning

Thank you so so much

nicole_marshall replied 2067 days ago

Hey this is someone who hasn’t spoken to you in a very long time ?you looking good xx

Thank you so much❤

nicole_marshall replied 2225 days ago

Onthou jy my ??? BenSeTing


nicole_marshall replied 2225 days ago 1

You look cute in a hoodie?

Tysm ?

nicole_marshall replied 2288 days ago

You into anyone at the moment?

It's complicated

nicole_marshall replied 2288 days ago