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Nic Ralph


Ask whatever aye :)

29 Replies

What is the longest you have gone without taking a bath?

Gee I reckon about a year now. We have a shower at our house

nicralph34 replied 3325 days ago 1

Obvs because I'm in it ;) stephiestephie

Heheh you guessed it xxx

nicralph34 replied 3399 days ago 1

Favourite age you've been so far and why ?

15, this year has just been the best!

nicralph34 replied 3399 days ago 2

A body part you think you could do without ?

My nose hahah

nicralph34 replied 3402 days ago 1

Thoughts on nancy and Ruby's friendship? It's so weird I think

It's not up to me to judge, if they are happy with each other, that's nice

nicralph34 replied 3402 days ago 1

Two best new people that came too the school while u have been there

Stephie Paddon and Stephie Paddon

nicralph34 replied 3402 days ago 1

What happened, with yourself, and ruby?.

I already answered

nicralph34 replied 3479 days ago

What happened between you and ruby?

We met, we became friends, we started talking, we went out and then we broke up

nicralph34 replied 3479 days ago

How did you and nancy meet?

Just at school

nicralph34 replied 3480 days ago

What is attractive about you?

My nose

nicralph34 replied 3486 days ago

Your biggest wish ?

To not regret a single thing from now, live life with confidence and no mistakes

nicralph34 replied 3491 days ago 4

Are you going to carols by candle light tonight?

Nah I'm not

nicralph34 replied 3493 days ago

Thoughts on Mavon Chand

Great bloke, I'm a bit jealous of all the bromance he gives out (save that for me ;) ). Part of a great bunch of guys and always provides a good laugh

nicralph34 replied 3494 days ago

Thoughts on fly spray?

Best sniffing gear going around, mixed with glen 20 and you have a real buzz going

nicralph34 replied 3495 days ago 1

Thoughts? :P nancy_elizabeth

Always positive and smiling. I'm happy we are friends and can talk to each other about many things. Your a great person who is easy to get along with :)

nicralph34 replied 3496 days ago 1