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nikita fellows


haaaatters ♡♡♡

106 Replies

Whats your snapchat?


nikitafellows replied 3790 days ago

your mint! The things that I would do to you if I could

Why thanks

nikitafellows replied 3790 days ago

Biggest regret?


nikitafellows replied 3804 days ago

Hello how r u going

I'm good anon how about yourself ?

nikitafellows replied 3805 days ago

How can you just go from a long term relationship with that haris guy to this new lesbian phase straight away? Did you even like the guy?

It's not a phase honey, I've liked girls since I was 14. And I'm not with kadija so get your facts straight before you attempt to attack me. Ta

nikitafellows replied 3805 days ago

i see photos of you and your girlfriend on fb or gram and i actually think youse are the cutest and hottest couple wish i had love like yous do ha ha yous are gorgouse together just saying xxx :)

Thankyou x

nikitafellows replied 3805 days ago

Who's the other girl you're kissing? What happened to kadija?

She's one of mine and kadija's best friends. Kads doesn't care as all three of us always do it when we go out x

nikitafellows replied 3806 days ago 1

Lmao **** off your so anorexic and a head case go pop some depression meds you crazy ****in *****

Uhm lol. Your a joke, go bother someone else.

nikitafellows replied 3806 days ago

u ugly lesbian ****

Oh why thank you. Also correct your grammar, illiterate people irritate me.

nikitafellows replied 3808 days ago 1

The most expensive item you own?

Well this was asked a week ago.

nikitafellows replied 3808 days ago 1

hey you. I love you. More than words care to describe my princess. Smile❤️ kaads

I love you babe, alot.

nikitafellows replied 3810 days ago

are you aingle or not? you make it seem like you are somethimes and not other times

No I am no longer single me and kadija are back together. And it's seems like I am does it ? Well sorry, didn't know going out and having fun, having friends and freedom in a relationship was a crime these days.

nikitafellows replied 3810 days ago

has your partner ever hidden anything from you?

How would I know if they hide it ? But I sure hope not.

nikitafellows replied 3810 days ago

Have you ever gone to school without taking a bath?

Ily showers.

nikitafellows replied 3810 days ago

lol your best root should be kadija not nunya or have yous not rooted yet or have you had better

I choose to not say as its a part of my personal life, and it's called my personal life for a reason. What happens in my bedroom shall stay there :)

nikitafellows replied 3810 days ago