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Fried Chicken


The heart wants what it wants :'(

534 Replies

What does your perfect day look like?

chilling in the sun and enjoying nature... with babe, JOKESSS nah just chilling and resting hah

nikittaa.wright replied 3498 days ago 5

wat happened at saturday nite??

nothing dont worry!!!

nikittaa.wright replied 3498 days ago

What are you addicted to?

God?? idk if that makes sense HAHA opps

nikittaa.wright replied 3501 days ago

what happened to the dj ?? why is it --

nah dont worry about that

nikittaa.wright replied 3501 days ago 1

so pumped for yours!!! x

me too anon, ahaha

nikittaa.wright replied 3503 days ago

OMG YOU CUTIE! jks ya gay karina_diaz


nikittaa.wright replied 3504 days ago 2

did u get braces? and what color?

yes i did, and i just got silver, nothing special, colours looked bad on me aha.

nikittaa.wright replied 3504 days ago 1

omg, cute brace face :3

hahaha thanks !!! :)

nikittaa.wright replied 3504 days ago

What turns you off ?

guys who smell bad, people who are cruel to others, bullies, guys who make a bad joke that's insulting, people who are way to anti social

nikittaa.wright replied 3505 days ago

Who's your security for your party, and is there any drinks

i got 6-10 dudes, and i'm not having any alcohol but im not sure if my sister and her friends are bringing some, inbox me, but pretty sure shes not gonna give it to any of my friends she thinks are too young.

nikittaa.wright replied 3506 days ago

What is your bank balance ?

too private to say haha

nikittaa.wright replied 3508 days ago


yassss i know, get exited :') ahaha

nikittaa.wright replied 3509 days ago

How long do you want to live?

until fried chicken doesnt exist anymore

nikittaa.wright replied 3512 days ago 3

Thoughts on ratchett x Queen.Nana

Hey girl, so i swear, your laugh is just fkn hilarious :') yesterday when we were on the ride you kept fkn laughing and that made me laugh/cry, thats how fkn hilarious it was ''momma i love you''' HAHAH, you wouldn't stop with that! your such a hottie i swear, getting all the guys, maybe because you got a mint body and your a fashion killa?? eyebrow game on point, im so much taller then you though ahaha! you've helped so much with my party, and i feel so grateful for your help i swear! #brq <33 love you's all. your one of my best friends and i can trust you heaps. ok, take care ratchettttt x

nikittaa.wright replied 3513 days ago 1

uninvite DCB to your party, dont want them there wtf

NO ok they're my close girlfriends, I ain't uninviting them too ****, that's your problem to deal with tyvm

nikittaa.wright replied 3514 days ago 2