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who ever asked me that question litreally made my day
Halarious fattening thankful
Yum are pancakes
They actually do
havent seen you in ageees. We used to be so close and miss our summer nighttsssss. Ring me
I sleept in
Dats right,
I really dk, he deserves any girl x
Funniest guy I know. He makes me laugh all the time. When he met me im pretty sure he thought I was a freak and he still probally thinks I am one . Our cpnversations after school at maccas or wjere ever are hallarious. Makes me smile and yea
I wouldnt wanna start rumors. Its stevos love life so dont ask me
When they are too scared to bend rules.
its funny because the last time I checked you were #1 ... I stole someones compliment.
Ahhahahah tyson and damien helped me create it
Pfft I wish. And im pretty sure x
Oh jeasus no!
Yes omg. Thats embarresing..
Send me your name and ill accept
Meloxsox. Matej latej. Laura.
Which alex!?
Ahahhaha well it was cute x
We hardly talk x tbh you just hugged me out of no where if u didnt hug me we wouldnt be at this state of friendship
No kiana just is shes making it harder on herself im not close with all but Id love to become closer with everyone even if I didnt pick them x
Omg yes. Im finally out of that school. I missed being around with my family and friends at home x
Why so kind ? X
"Is it fun being in a wheelchair?" like get a life mate.
Monique, raf, dk
Toan? Alanna.V? Idk, Idk, Renee and why the wink.
Jack fletcher courtney kyah x
Ahahhaha. Sure will and sure was !
Try telling me who u are... just qooh me with your name. I wont post it.
some other names plz
Idk Idk Idk Idk
Idk any swagalord;)
Love your humor. Really interesting to talk to. Any man deserves you especially brodin:). Ily xxx
Im not close with these girls and ye.... Diana prbs jack g. Chole ? Dont know her. Ryan idk. Fletcher and mabye courtney. Like I said im not really close with these people, and it was a rough idea.
Woooh. Funniest memories. I have a pic of us at lucys like 10th birthday in my locker. I'd love to catch up with you sometime and talk about ****. Your humor Iis like 10/10. I miss you and ily xx
Ahah what do you mean? Anout my hip?
Funniest moments in year 3, really funny, and preetyy
Funniest kid I know. I look forward to school everyday to see what stevens up to. He has made me cry of laughter. Pilllarrrrr ;) your so nice.your hair looks great. You are awesome and yeeeeea xxx
Humina. You make me smile. :) Your like my slave and im sorry. I tell u everything but you never keep it in... but thats why ily. Umm. I get pissed quickly and your likee my stress ball. I havent known you for that long so idk what else to say. ILYSM
Ummm idk, wish we would talk;)
Okay Laura. 260 word limit s*cks cause I need a load more. I swear your someone I can trust. I miss our fun table moments XD I love how we are never afraid to lie to the teacher so we could miss half of class. I love you humour. I honestly feel as if you'd do anything for me thats why I annoy the heck out of lucy then come to you straight away. Laura, you've always said to me "it will be alright, dont worry" ive lived by your words and relised that when ever me and you are in a bad situation we can always make it fun and not that stressful.You have never turned ur back on me and I promise the same. Your my everythhing. Even though the other day I was in a **** mood, I will never ever have bad thoughts if you. Jesus. I love you laura xxxx♡
My piana. Your so funny. Weve shared hallarious camp memories ahhhhh. Camping scince 40000seconds. And the see saw incident AAHAHHA IM DYING AHAH ilysm xx
Hey anon I just met you And this is crazy Wjdjdoemfock
I have a whole lot of respect for you, idk why but probally cause you remind me of my cousins in croatia who have the same last name. I'd love to talk to you some time! Im pretty sure you know Clarissa, shes one of my great friends and im looking forward to camp and school so i can get to know you better! Your really pretty and i,pm so jealous! Please say hi to me at school if you see me!
Negative people!
My sister my everything! Melissa, denis amd are the three best friendss! AHAHAHA whos asking these questions?
Have some things in common, hardly talk, funny and wish we could talk more!
Ahahah whaaa?
iPhone 5s/c, ive had the worst expereince with Samsung.
Airport, dads leaving to croatia!