nirthi singh
That’s so dumb shame😂
Would you ever date a strar college ow
Hey just wanted to saynyou are gorgeous both inside and out ❤️
So sad sometimes it hurts
It was one of those bad nights lying there crying choking on my own tears
Wats his name?
Whose name?
Have you ever been in a situation where you drank heaps of water/soda expecting to spend the day at home, and your parents unexpectedly made you go out with them?
If teardrops could be bottled
Thered be swimmingpools filled my models
Im LONE ly heheheheh
Just saying dumb sht now?
No shh
Do you care about people
If you were DM'ed, would you give the conversation a chance or kill the person?
Well probably kill them because I don't like engaging in conversation I mean people s*ck
no offense, but why do you think white girls lack a$$
Because I'm supposed to know
Thought you were gonna say 6 and 9 ;)
I don't get it
What's your favourite numbers
4 and 9
U hot papi❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
And you're not
What you just said to my question on what is the answer to all of life's questions just hit me ?
Well it's just the truth it needs to hit all of us sooner or later
What's the answer to all of life's questions?
No one knows the answer to all life's question no matter how deep and how hard we look they'll never be an answer what is life anyway we all live just to die in the end
Have you ever been on a trip where they pulled over for the guys to have a pee but wouldn't stop at a bathrooms for the girls?
I've been asked this way too many times
Just bear (hehehe bear ?) with me on this one, if you have your period during Christmas, you'll give having a red Christmas an entirely new definition isn't it?
Are you obsessed with periods or some sht please fck off
I have a really important question that's been bugging me, how do you pronounce your name. I already have like 3 different ways ?
Do you think vampires are period tooth fairies?
No I really don't?
I would like to win ur heart someday $exy
I would like to slap your face someday idiot??
Do you think woman or the human tomato sauce bottles, because if you squeeze her on her period she will also do the same thing a tomato sauce bottle would ? (shower thoughts)
Uhh what the actual fck
Did you know you can jump out of a plane without a parachute but you can only do it once ?
Yeah wouldn't that be fun
It would be a pleasure to get ur number because u are by far one of the $exiest girls I've ever seen?
And it would now be my pleasure to tell you to fck off
Ever had ur boo*s grabbed?
Ever had your A$$ kicked?
Thought i wouldnt see these qoohs?
I really didn't
So u dont date either now?
Have you ever been in a situation where you really needed to pee
Oh theres no one to like?
Shh you know?
Don't believe in love hmm? I take offense
Okay okay fine??
Have you ever been in a situation where you and a friend really had to pee on a bus trip?
No I'm pretty sure I've had this question about three times now
Being gay is the problem on earth right now. Theres nothing worse than that.
Yeah that's what you think but the real problem is people like you that are hating on gay people the world makes it a bigger problem than it actually is because in reality there's nothing wrong with it
Do you believe in love?
1 wish?
Go somewhere far away from this fcked up world
Why u so mean to everyone
Damn ur hella fine❤
Oh that's quite nice
What grade are you in?
Are u straight?
Does it really matter
What school do you go to?
Star College
Is it going to somehow change your opinion about me if I'm straight or not
I crecked your Ma too Faathi24
I crecked your ma opened
When I saw her last night ?? Faathi24
So that's where she went when she disappeared for a while
She kept asking for more eheheheh Faathi24
Hehe I can't
Thats actually quite creckkk like your ma ohhhh
I can't huh that looser
Hey do u remember me @lavannaidoo
Yeah I do
Don't listen to all these ppl . Talking abt $exuality . Do what makes u happy . Enjoy ur day ?
Yeah weather I'm straight,bi$exual or lesbian it shouldn't really matter actually but we live in a world full of narrow minded people
Do you masturabrate
No what even
Have you ever been on a trip where everyone drank heaps on the bus ride, and when you arrived there were no bathrooms?
Would you ever kiss a girl
Because it matters so much to you
What’s lgbt and why are you so into all of this homo$exuality stuff
Lesbian,gay,bi$exual and transgender... Because I feel like people will base opinions on you and judge you based on $exuality
You les?
Does $exuality actually matter even if I was what's it to you
Homo$exuality and lgbt is haraam and going to jahanum
Well you saying that is fcking haraam well I can't force you to support it but I think we all should because there are bigger things in this world happening and I'm all for LGBT
Who do u like?
Theres no one to like
I saw you. Your so $exy in person ?
Thats nice
Have you ever been in a situation on a school trip where everyone really had to pee but only the guys were able to go?
Where's the posts on your Instagram???
I'll post soon
Why don't u post???
Its so much of work
When are you posting?
Oldest guy you would date?
No I dont date sorry
Do u like anyone from Star Boys High
That's kinda disgusting
What school do you go to?
Star College girls high
Have you ever craved someone so much that you literally ache?
Why are you always so down all the time?
Who do u like???
No one mate theres no one to like
What are you thinking of right now
Defenitly not u
Whats the stupidest thing you have ever done
Hide behind a bush
Deep in your wounds are seed, waiting to grow into beautiful flowers
No its just wounds
Your pictures are uploaded
Seriously fck u coward piece of sht
Watch me post the nudes of you
Who the fck r u grow some balls and qooh me with ur name
Need to work on your boo*s thou
Yeah u would know
You got a nice *****
Ayy u didnt even type the word to giving it one way i see
I wank to your nude pictures
Now u overdoing it