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no its not. Its a short name of my realname. I gues its also my real name
My 3rd ex gf. She threw a little birth day party on my 19th birth day and there were only 6 of us. All of were couples. Each couple had their room the whole day. Thats was it....
I wouldn't know. I'ven't looked myself in the mirror about that before. But wait. Is there any one who hasn't boast about anything before in life? I do not think so.
You got me confused with other man... I like the natural underwear of a woman. Which is the skin. So whatever underwear a woman wears i'm always happy to see it. Lorl
Yes sweartheart its me. No ansa. When are you going to take me to milkylane?
I feel okay. Social chatting networks sometimes works as therapy to me. Speaking my mind to people who don't get what i'm saying or leaving them clueless it's like speaking to myself, and i like it.
is this some kinda joke? It's your mind's understanding so i guessing in 1 word i would say its. LOGIC. (sense)
lorl are you that interested?
that i'm a player!!
i'm self motivated.creative and belive that nothing is impossible