Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Hahaha come on its the homestretch of year 12, so ofc I'm not putting all my time and energy into looking my best atm give me a break
Excited to finish school + boredom + stressed about yr 12 + hungry + need a nap + need to pee + glad it's the weekend like thank GOD
Yeah look probably
You're a god send, thank you heaps means a lot xxxx
This has made my day, thank you so much xxx
Yes anon
Thank you so much, means a lot :)) yeah they're not bothering me haha they obviously just don't know me
Well if people think that they're wrong bc I'm actually pretty fine atm, but whatever I know my friends know the truth and aren't assuming sht about me so that's all I care about really :))
If it's healthy weight loss for someone who isn't feeling comfortable with themselves than ofc I'll help, what's wrong with that?!! I have myself together thanks! And no I don't have anorexia where'd you get that false info from?
Well it really depends on the individual person themselves like what you're already doing, how tall you are etc. so feel free to inbox me any day and although I'm not a dietician/personal trainer I know quite a bit about nutrition and I'd love to try and help :)) my biggest tip in general though is to be realistic about it, like make sure you're healthy! Dont expect too much from yourself and try not to be hard on yourself about it either as healthy weight loss doesn't happen overnight, it takes time so be patient! Don't go to long degrees and starve yourself or cut out certain food groups or over exercise, it's all about balance and it's okay to have a treat once in a while! If you restrict yourself too much you're setting yourself up for feeling tired, lethargic, unmotivated and eventually your body will give in to its cravings or you'll end up unwell! 30mins of cardio 3-4 time a week is healthy and still effective and eating 5 small balanced meals with protein, veg and some carbs will keep your metabolism going and you'll have the energy to want to work out! Also try to drink 2-3 litres of water every day and 8-9 hours of sleep every night (both essential) bc when you're tired or dehydrated, your body automatically goes for food bc you think you're hungry and if you're sleep deprived you may not be able to make the right decisions for your bod, but yeah shoot me an inbox! But try not to obsess over it bc there's so much more to life than losing weight, and you don't want to miss out on fun stuff bc you 'need to work out' or don't want to eat out bc it's not healthy and portion sizes! As I said before, it's all about balance and treating yourself once in a while is perfectly fine and a good thing to do bc you deserve treats :)) Just make sure you're doing it in a healthy way, no quick fix fad diets xxxx
You must have a good memory hahah, thanks heaps I hope you're doing well also xxxxx
He's not chat, he's a pretty cool and chilled out guy! Good to chat to also (no pun intended)
What are you on about, all I seem to be doing these days is eating haha xx
Thanku wow you made my night
I don't deal bc I can't deal
I'm back on the bandwagon, my obs have looked good for a while so I'm allowed to again woohoo!
You are wonderful, thank you so much xxxxx
You're so nice, thank you so much! xxxx
Oh why thank you :)
That was really creative, great job
Should i be aiming to look emaciated? Because i dint find that attractive tbh. It makes me feel good to know that you'll most likely get the job of a cleaner at maccas if anything judging by your lack of English skills
What are you
Hahahah sorry what I'm not pretending to have anorexia, bc I don't have it
Eat everything and embrace being as comfy and unclassy as possible
I was eating the right diet, I even asked my gp about it and she said it was the right amount and the right things but low iron runs in my family and the quickest way of absorbing iron for me is to eat meat atm, otherwise I would've been put in hospital so don't be all smart as* on me when you don't know the full picture :)
Bath and massage oil
So true, miss you cat xxxx
I thought that as well, although the iron and protein in vegetables aren't absorbed as easily as meat. Trust me, I've read a lot about health and nutrition hahah I know my shiit
Nup I need to eat meat for the time being to get my iron levels up to scratch and then I can go vegan again
Ah god, too many places too many places
Creative question, you get a gold star! Peter Jackson hybrids
Smelly boyz
Deleted it, gone banished done
YOU are lovely!
Psych, music, food tech, theatre studies and English
I've survived one day and I'm drained already
Hahahah shut up
It was nice, I met some pretty cool people and had drinks on the beach, it was pretty chilled :))
A trip to Byron bay and an overly full tummy
My name is jeff
THANKYOU LOZ HAHAHA but yeah good point like if I didn't eat idk how I'd be at the gym that would be hell
He's good to talk to, idk him that well these days though
Dude ew
Why hello :)
All day every day ;);)
Chuck me an inbox, it'd be good to chat :))
No clue yet, wbu?
Wow thanks man, the main thing I want from people is respect! This means a lot
Please inbox me!! I probably feel the same
I am the Virgin Mary
Bec I miss you! Thank you so much, you to xxxx
Yeah sort of, I just went from fully raw to just vegan with like 2 weeks of raw till 4 in between
Being carefree
Thank you whoever this is!!! People are just ridiculous hahah
Hahah I totally agree
Yes I'm seeing her tomorrow
Yes cat THANK YOU what would I do without you
I know and I really feel for people who suffer from it bc it wouldn't be easy at all but fortunately I'm not one of them, how am I making a fool of myself by confirming the rumours aren't true?
How am I not helping myself, I'm confirming the truth that I don't have an eating disorder and yeah I agree
Hahaha this is a joke
Psych, music, english, theatre studies and food tech, thank you so much you're the best xxxx
If you we're close to me you fkn inbox me, not post it on here. Stop trying to make up rumours
You are one very awesome person, ty for this I appreciate it xxx
I can't even be fuccked with this anymore, truth is I don't and I have no money bc I don't have a job and I did bring food every single day and ate it all up without a care in the world, idk why this is such a big deal for you in your life that you have to keep coming on here everyday and try to convince me I'm ill when I'm not but I think I've made it clear so you're welcome to stop now
That's only bc my bag was heavy enough so I only brang something small so it could fit but I made sure I had a decent breaky and dinner and after school snacks
Technically I didn't actually post it, but thanks I am
Probably not sorry hahah
Why not, I don't bite! Please :))
C'mon man just tell me who you are this is stupid
I often run 4-5km but some days I get inpatient and just sprint for 5-10mins so I can get home and eat quicker hahah! And I often just get it over and done with on the treadmill but walks are nice outside
Bc a. I'm curious as to who you are and b. it'd be good to chat with someone who seems to care about me enough to go to that extent
Can you inbox me please
Counting calories is stupid and a waste if time, it doesn't even work
Maybe I'm psychic
Hahahah yeah don't judge I got bored one day
I eat soooo much, ask any of my closest friends who see how much I eat everyday! I don't get why you care so much and why there are people trying to tell me that I have an eating disorder when I don't. It's like someone telling someone with brown hair that they actually have bright blue hair, it's not the case
Okay seriously, you going to the effort of looking up my bmi is going a bit far don't you think
People are actually retarded hahahah
Probably bc I don't know who you are
What is this, if you saw me 24/7 you'd probably think I over eat hahah trust me I'm like a fkn hippo when it comes to the kitchen! It wouldn't be related
Would you like me to show you the doctors certificate to prove to you that that's by I wa in there? Hahah why do you care so much anyway
Why are there not more people like you on this planet, thank you!
I had a long qt and very slow pulse rate and the two mixed together was dangerous apparently but I'm all fine now
Well I don't, so
I have a heart condition and that's why I was admitted, other than that I'm pretty healthy thank you very much
That's you :):)
This made my day, you're beautiful <33