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Noah Willoughby


Just do it

1.7k Replies

If you lost everything tomorrow, whose arms would you run into to make everything ok ?


noahwilloughbyy97 replied 3464 days ago

Noah. You literally look like death. Please get help. Please

Hahaha come on its the homestretch of year 12, so ofc I'm not putting all my time and energy into looking my best atm give me a break

noahwilloughbyy97 replied 3464 days ago

What is your current state of mind?

Excited to finish school + boredom + stressed about yr 12 + hungry + need a nap + need to pee + glad it's the weekend like thank GOD

noahwilloughbyy97 replied 3471 days ago

Wouldn't it be a better use of your time doing homework than answering questions on qoohme, seeing as you are in year 12?

Yeah look probably

noahwilloughbyy97 replied 3475 days ago

People are so digusting the way they are treating you!!! I hope they realise that there are vulnerable people out there who would actually take their comments seriously xx so stay strong sugar xx miss you heaps

You're a god send, thank you heaps means a lot xxxx

noahwilloughbyy97 replied 3475 days ago

I love you so much your such an amazing person and I think you don't know how amazing you are. <3

This has made my day, thank you so much xxx

noahwilloughbyy97 replied 3475 days ago

can I take you on a date?

Yes anon

noahwilloughbyy97 replied 3475 days ago

You sound like an intelligent person with good advice for others so i hope you are ignoring that half wit on here and just set your sights on the great future you will have in front of you.

Thank you so much, means a lot :)) yeah they're not bothering me haha they obviously just don't know me

noahwilloughbyy97 replied 3486 days ago

Shut up Noah you don't have yourself together. Everyone at school knows!! You aren't fooling anyone but yourself. Everyone knows you were in hospital for anorexic so don't pretend you weren't. You're a silly girl

Well if people think that they're wrong bc I'm actually pretty fine atm, but whatever I know my friends know the truth and aren't assuming sht about me so that's all I care about really :))

noahwilloughbyy97 replied 3487 days ago

Stop giving people tips on weight loss. It's so hypocritical of you especially when everyone knows you have anorexia. Get your self together and stop helping others turn like you

If it's healthy weight loss for someone who isn't feeling comfortable with themselves than ofc I'll help, what's wrong with that?!! I have myself together thanks! And no I don't have anorexia where'd you get that false info from?

noahwilloughbyy97 replied 3488 days ago

Hi Noah! I'm struggling to lose weight do you have any tips from your experience?

Well it really depends on the individual person themselves like what you're already doing, how tall you are etc. so feel free to inbox me any day and although I'm not a dietician/personal trainer I know quite a bit about nutrition and I'd love to try and help :)) my biggest tip in general though is to be realistic about it, like make sure you're healthy! Dont expect too much from yourself and try not to be hard on yourself about it either as healthy weight loss doesn't happen overnight, it takes time so be patient! Don't go to long degrees and starve yourself or cut out certain food groups or over exercise, it's all about balance and it's okay to have a treat once in a while! If you restrict yourself too much you're setting yourself up for feeling tired, lethargic, unmotivated and eventually your body will give in to its cravings or you'll end up unwell! 30mins of cardio 3-4 time a week is healthy and still effective and eating 5 small balanced meals with protein, veg and some carbs will keep your metabolism going and you'll have the energy to want to work out! Also try to drink 2-3 litres of water every day and 8-9 hours of sleep every night (both essential) bc when you're tired or dehydrated, your body automatically goes for food bc you think you're hungry and if you're sleep deprived you may not be able to make the right decisions for your bod, but yeah shoot me an inbox! But try not to obsess over it bc there's so much more to life than losing weight, and you don't want to miss out on fun stuff bc you 'need to work out' or don't want to eat out bc it's not healthy and portion sizes! As I said before, it's all about balance and treating yourself once in a while is perfectly fine and a good thing to do bc you deserve treats :)) Just make sure you're doing it in a healthy way, no quick fix fad diets xxxx

noahwilloughbyy97 replied 3492 days ago

I met you like once waaay back in year 8 but I'm so so so happy to see you're happy + doing well!!! Hope year 12 is treating you alright xxxxx

You must have a good memory hahah, thanks heaps I hope you're doing well also xxxxx

noahwilloughbyy97 replied 3524 days ago

What are your opinions on chat watkins?

He's not chat, he's a pretty cool and chilled out guy! Good to chat to also (no pun intended)

noahwilloughbyy97 replied 3525 days ago

Eat more girlie xx don't want you getting sick

What are you on about, all I seem to be doing these days is eating haha xx

noahwilloughbyy97 replied 3525 days ago

Your existence has had a strangely profound effect on my life so cheers for making it slightly less sht

Thanku wow you made my night

noahwilloughbyy97 replied 3525 days ago