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qooh away

56 Replies

If you could reach into any movie and pull something out, what would you take?

Probably money?

nofriendzone replied 2946 days ago

What is the best piece of advice you've ever gotten?

I told someone to guard their heart no matter what.

nofriendzone replied 2991 days ago

What have you never truly gotten over?

The passing of a very very loved one

nofriendzone replied 3008 days ago

You just won $50 million from the lottery. What's next?

Investments in property

nofriendzone replied 3017 days ago

Who is your favorite person and why?

My grandmother. She's just amazing and so resilient

nofriendzone replied 3024 days ago

What makes you happy to be alive?

The fact that the Lord's got my back

nofriendzone replied 3044 days ago

What are you obsessed with right now?


nofriendzone replied 3070 days ago

What are you most afraid of losing?

My ability to forgive

nofriendzone replied 3081 days ago

What's the worst present you've ever received?

I don't know??

nofriendzone replied 3093 days ago

But I'm still scared to mess up our friendship

Don't be. Everything happens for a reason, if he can't deal with the fact that you have feelings for him and allows your friendship to be ruined then he wasn't going to be good to you as a boyfriend either. Be there for him, talk this through and take it from there. I wish you all the best ;)
And remember not to rush into anything

nofriendzone replied 3106 days ago 1

So now he said he is falling for me ... but idk if he is saying it coz he is lonely and just wants a gf or he is really honest

Being there for him would mean the world to him I'm sure. Don't rush into anything though because if you do, you may mess things up. Remember- easy come easy go

nofriendzone replied 3106 days ago

Then I found out she was cheating on him and he broke up with her

Talk to him about it. Get how he feels about the cheating, be there for him
This will help ;)

nofriendzone replied 3106 days ago

Well we have been friends for a short while and I set him up with my friend when I began to get feeling for him because I didn't want to destroy our friendship by telling him I like him

Tell him. You may find that he feels the same way about you. And I'm sure you are both mature enough not to let something like this ruin your relationship or friendship rather

nofriendzone replied 3106 days ago

What is your favourite slang word ?


nofriendzone replied 3111 days ago

There's this guy?
It's complicated...
Will u be able to help

Of course darling, what's the matter?

nofriendzone replied 3111 days ago