thanks drag-as*
ur bro is hot
looks run in the family
All I want for my birthday is a big b**ty hoe
would u like that wrapped up too?
u r so swaggy bro give me some of ya swag nigga
for $12.50, u can have 3swags
What is success to you?
getting out of bronze?*i s*ck at lol*
How awesome are you on a scale of 1 to 10?
Your next smartphone?
either the latest iphone at the time or htc's next successor of the M8, cos of how good htc s build quality is compared to samsung's ****ty plastic
Who do you think is dying next on Game of thrones?
Joffrey that f*****
Thoughts on Arvind(Grad)?
he s a g(r)ad friend, whom i ve never met in real life. also he can get really annoying at times.
thoughts on saliya
sickest **** and reels in all the *****s
thoughts on nav
'She' is a ****
plz **** me-notvis
soz, ur notvis
Im different from other guys.
cool. and your telling me this because?
plz **** me - vis
why not?-amitha
The worst thing that happend to you this week?
Realising that i have forgot to bring my english and methods books home! I have SATs beginning of term qq gglife
i love you<3 #lads5feva#boys2men#leftnut#;)
love you 2#lads6feva#girls2*****s#thirdnut
im like a rubik's cube, the more you play with me the harder i get ;)
oh wow ;)
In that last 5s match did you go and strangle your brother when you lagged out. I swear it sounded like it ahhah
yes i did, dont tell my mum
Please senpai save me
do not worry anon, i shall save you
around 165cm, yes i know, sooo short
Notice me senpai
i notice you anon
saruki no jimubhush
Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
u know when u shower u get wet
u know when u sweat, A percentage of it is urine
you are cute, i saw you at lankan fest :') can i inbox you?
you must have mistaken me for Navindu, sure inbox, ill give u his number
Tbh josin vish Anjana?
Tbh they bi mi lads.
Josin: I've known him since year 3, probably one of the first people i befriended when i joined Dandy north primary and he s always there for u, except for the times when he goes hunting down *****.
Viswas: same as josin, known him since yr 3. He s probably the most responsible out of my group of friends, the appa of our group.
Anjana: I only started talkin to him from yr9 and thats mainly cos he was friends with arvind and josin, but it feels like i ve known him for much longer. my akka from another amma
name your fav people from each house (year 11 only)
i dont even know the names of all the houses
you should leave nikolina alone in viscom
she should be greatful i sit next to her, im the only one that talks to her
im fab - shreicy
im 'fab'er-amitha
secrets pls
navindu is actually a guy(jks)
Who is the hottest girl in Grevillea, and why is it Aparna?
its actually navindu
Who is the hottest girl in Grevillea, and why is it Strasti?
its actually ollsi
Who is the hottest girl in Grevillea, and why is it Nikolina?
its actually brandon
i will slit your throat brandopls
aaaaaahhh shiiiiiiiieet, i only asked one of those questions once
The most boring person you know?
hmmm, i honestly find no one boring to talk to etc.
fk me in asrsehole
ooo baby
I dont know who u are, so i dont know why am i 'somean' to u
your mean green loving machine is on tv
noway! thankyou very much
What's your favourite question that you've been asked on qooh.me?
Do you feel it?
Why haven't you watched Fate/Zero yet you spastic brandopls
i shall watch it over the holidays, instead of doing school work
if u had to choose between vis and worldpeace, what would be the first anime u wreck for him?
it would be whatever anime he is currently watching.
thoughts on yourself?
i think that i am a f*****
I'm coming ogre tonight with my onion and I'm gonna peel of all your layers, get ready for the Shreksual experience laddeh.
-Shrek 'The Mean Green Loving Machine'
can't wait
lasitha already knows that srasti's gonna be his future sister in law
oh really? welll you should also tell him that it will never come true
So if srasti and shrek had babies, how would you feel.
wew idk what to say, how could shrek choose her over me
aparna or nikolina?
i think we would all agree with, shrek
are you dating arivnd?
na im not good enough for him
fk *****es get money.
"oath" bruu
shrek makes all our butts hurt
so who would you prefer strasti or nav with a mangina with a shrek head for the knob?
can i just have the shrek part? thankyou
just saying amitha you are just as guilty as i am when it comes to being a piece of ****. we made people cry in vis com without a care in the world
lol ricardo are u seriously taking what i just said seriously and being all butthurt? its a joke calm down
You love nav but you don't admit you're gay.
so if you are a male and u love ur dad, does that make u gay? or if you are a female and u love your mom, does that make u a lesbian?
Qooh me? gross amitha and to think i thought you were close to being a decent human being - Ricardo
aww thanks ricardo, coming from u
do you put a shrek costume on to pleasure navindu?
i dont pleasure navindu, i only pleasure shrek
pls if you do bodmas that is equal to 1/1 bc 23 to power of 0 is 1 <3
(21^3 x 0)/4^0 soz meit, 21^3 is multiplied by 0, which obviously equals zero. and 4^0 is 1...therefore 0/1 equals 0
are you and navindu gonna get married and who would be your kid?
even though i luv him very much, no we will not because my body is only for shrek
who is that guy who photoshops you and nav? does he go dandy?
this mexican called Ricardo who is trying to remake an image similar to my image that i call the 'many navindus'. yes he does go to dandy.
u nd srasti = fun lovin'
Probabilty of that ever happening= (21^3 x 0)/4^0
shrek is love, shrek is life
it's never ogre
I think I am loving you a lot, through Spyke.
i think i am loving you a lot, through bookface too
Who would you take a bullet for?
shrek and navindu
shrek is...
love. shrek is life
Honestly you are so stuckup
aawww thanks anon
You have a girls name
ur name is anonymous
Whose ur supplier ?
His name is Uzref Rex. He sells 2 for x^0.
tbh that was pubudu
oh good. dont be jealous of my love pubudu
tbh ur a skank-amith
wow that hurts, we r over
why are u so bloody rich? and where is your university?
hi naveen, pfft ye, you and ur bmw
shrek is love, shrek is life.
It's not ogre...It's never ogre.
Holy **** is it true that you like Sustri
because i am kind, i will answer your 'question' despite having no "?". nup it isnt true, i would rather navindu
like everyone in our class says u like sustri is it true bra
well everyone says navindu has a p****, but obviously thats not true
likewise, the answer to your question(without a question mark) is no, it isnt true
what would you do if nav came to your house at night in a Shrek outfit?
knowing that its nav would just ruin the the experience. I'd prefer the actual shrek, not someone trying to be him, because there should only be one shrek in this world.
Because shrek is life. and as the acronym "YOLO" says, there is only one life
Do you feel it?
i always feel it. Do you?
who would amith look good with?
perfect for each other as both of them have 'amith' in their names
Did you have English hw?
i 'forgot' to do hw that was meant to be handed in last week... yes i em rebel
h1 m3th r yu g00d at de geym l0l c0s lyk ppl tel m1 1m b4d s0 cen yu tich m1
n0 1m very b4d at de geym l0l, 1f wUnt, 1 cn teAcH u hau 2 bi b4d
hi. i am anon.chan
:) anon.chan
hi anon.chan
I am notamitha
Oi skank, YG ain't **** alrightt
i know they arent '****", i think they are numero 1
wow, bringing maths into this (Y)
dude why u so good at maths?
actually im ****, i just prioritize methods over other subjects since its unit 3 4
Is arivnd gay?
shiii how d u know?
you always ***** about mani. Mani is batman y u hatin me? :(
because superman>
why do you dress like an old lady
Why not?
The best movie so far in 2014?
Shrek is love. Shrek is life.
Dude omg you have so much cool stuff like a iPhone and gaming PC dude you must work hard where do you work???
i do my *school work on my table?
would u spread ur buttcheeks for shrek?
yes i would do it for shrek, because shrek is love
if Amitha is notamitha who are you?
if notamitha= - amitha, its like saying cos(x)=cos(-x)
So you're still the same old conformist.
i want to belong pls
Have you told your parents you're gay yet?
no cos im not hue?