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Yes he does but i dót kiss and tell dear.... but watch the space
WOW,wel iv been thinking about him alot
It wil have to be paris,yes italy or spain eithr 1 of the 2 i would b a hapy lady
It is possible but lets be honest the world is huge so rather love sum1 who wil always b there with you and share the love 2gtr
Yes there is and yes i do
wel honestly i dont see anything wrong if we go out i mean what are we waiting for ? time waits for m man so what wil i b waiting for
Dont ask me anything about relationships
Lol,yoh can a take a min and think about it then ima get back to you,hows that ?
Lol,whats urs
1 wana be the 2nd ?
Lol,i did go to school
Tjo what a question
I dont kiss and tell hun
Wow a jozi guy ? U stil not talking give me a name then ima answer you fully coz u playing a gues work
Wow who said im on mxit ? Anyways i dont have a crush *rolling my eyes* who knows maybe u have a crush on me
lol,that im a heart breaker and a cheater