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Idk yaw there were a lot of times
Cause I'm not looking for a relationship and probably cause I ignore literally everyone ?
iced tea and pizza ?❤
World peace and pizza ?❤
Anything I talk all the time ???
yaw idk?. I can't remember
sm actually shame??
nah not still?❤ thanks tho T???❤
A Black fine liner?
Chicken nuggets and créme soda??
When people think I don't know they're talking crap
anything harsh I think because im really sensitive and I hate it omf
Yeah but we grew apart
Yes, what's it?
how amazing the clouds are aujj??❤
yes, I was
Nee ?? I was in grade 7 ya not anymore
Day : can't remember
Date : can't remember
Who: uhm rd
I'm sorry? I never have lis to chat
So yeah please send me a dot so I can know who you are??
The date or the day or who??
Time machine
The Flash ? [ aqeel if you see this then haaties?]
Lol stalker
Wtf?? are you bored
that grass ain't greener on the other side??
rude and arrogant people who say they my friends kaantie ? but I know guys?? if you do see this?
trappe van vergelyking??
You the kooolste❤❤✨
Wasalaam mrs Urmi Ayyoob Damon
heeey?❤ thanks and im pretty sure you have one too??❤
Oh my . too much but I can tell you today I had like those movie moments when you walk into someone that you probably thought you'd never fall for then you look up and its like slow and you walk away and you're like sht don't fall for him?
Uhm grade 9?. My 15th birthday is on a saturday??. New beginnings. New phone??
I just had lis to, too much nuhaa's
have fun figuring it out xx??
natural science ?❤?
1. Short, Dark, funny?, pretty, btch?❤.
[ammaarah wilson✨]
2. Tall, Dark, President of the student council, tell me everything and everything sometimes tmi but ya?, trustworthy??. Loyal servant jk?❤
[ taugheed musson]
3. Squeaky Voice, tall, thin like a stokkie, sings vrek girly songs that I sing with him?. Gets annoyed for literally anything {camp;ma'roof} ??. Sends me long messages about how annoying some people are and brings me food to my house when he goes to the mall?my son??❤.
[shuaib sallie]
Eating??. I don't really like being by myself im always with friends
idek anymore?uhm maybe an Actuary or Pharmacist?