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6 Replies

Nuraaan I misss you I need to see you ?????
Shhhhh ;;)
-jaaaaaaaay person ♥

Okay weirdo'...

nuraanRebel replied 4074 days ago

Ey dearest bapey would u be so pleasant to be wth me

Can you ping me'!!!

nuraanRebel replied 4074 days ago

Why you so fake ????

Uhm you POES is fake

nuraanRebel replied 4074 days ago

I miss u nuraan heavy days:$ Ubaid'Eee

ImissyhooToo'. And our weird and stupid chat's..

nuraanRebel replied 4074 days ago

What was your last date like?

Uhm' was kaaaaak

nuraanRebel replied 4074 days ago

Do u really love qaahir kemp? How long uc goin out? Why do uc fight so much? Aashiq01

Omg seriously now' bis'. And we dating now for a month..and thee reason we fight is becoz why doo I even have too tell u☺

nuraanRebel replied 4074 days ago