Olivia Davies
You are so pretty :) I wish I spoke to you
speak to me!
Who is your favourite Love-linay?
without a doubt it would be jodie
I see you standing from across the club
With your arms folded in front and your face screwed up
Well she's my girl now
She couldn't resist my charm
And she's my girl
That's why she looks so good on my arm
I'm taking her out dancing on a Saturday night
O.dav I'm high as hell I only took half a pill
Thoughts on ilaydz and t swift
hottest girl in the word (and t swift is up there too) xxxxxxxx
Who will you never be blacker then ??
not Kyle because he is a black man so it doesn't count
hows haileybury?
getting better
Quote ryde " i will Set t brodie up with a friend of livs" sure ryde
t brodz, any of my friends would be lucky to have you :)
heard you went out with steven mylonakis ??
hahahaHahhahahahahahahh yeah sure did
Love u o.dav
aw fav name, i love you <3
Are you okay atm
yeah i am fine, thank you xxx
That smile would have been perfect
please inbox me xx
No I can't inbox you, your rydes girl it would be weird. But you are beautiful and have a perfect smile.
hahah it wouldnt be weird, aw you are way too kind thank you so much. this made me smile xx
I've only seen you once but You are amazing you are the prettiest girl I've seen, you are beautiful but you don't know me
please inbox me, thats so beautiful thank you so much xx god bless you
Was it hot today or was it just you?
it was so hot yesterday omg
I see you a lot, and I think you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, I want to talk to you but I know you won't like me or talk to me so yeah, but I won't be able to coz you take my breath away you're that pretty
this is the sweetest thing ever thankyou so much! feel free to inbox me, i dont bite x
Baz Dillon? Good root?
wouldn't know
some people you would like to get to know better?
legitimately anyone! i need more friends
We never talk anymore :(
INBOX ME! i dont bite
Even numbers tho
oooooooooOoOOOo 1,3,5,7,9?
hey guuuuurrl why you so pretty?
oooooooo nick why you so pretty?
S.L.U.T i bet you dont know who sent this haahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahhahaha
can I have ryde back I miss him
xoxo much love Liam
hahahahahah oh sure, no problem he is all yours :)
Name some really good guy friends?
RYDE, ryan stringerrr, tommy oliver, kai, lyndo, gary haasbroek, will mcgrath, mitch royal!
know anyone called Norbert?
omg mitch bbq with me and my mate norbz soon ay?
justin bieber or cody Simpson?
biebs for sure
I heard you know the best driver
Yeah um his name is ryan stringer and he does the best 3 point turn in all of vic
do you know anyone that owns 2 jetskis?
best neighbour nathannn
l know who sent this hahahaahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhaahhahaha
Hey u rock
hey thanks so do you
Why can't you come back to tramp
l have left now, new life :)
Don't know you personality whys, but you're one of the hottest people I have ever seen before.
hahahaha thanks but srsly noooo
Don't listen to the haters gurl, ur amazing
fkn love you
wake up to yourself.
why the ****s he there
dunno you tell me
why are you such a ***** to ryde when he is so nice to you
yeah i know, sorry
prettiest people you know?
Jeeeeeez thats tough, theres a mil but ilayda ozy, sally neilson, hena redzic, jess scott, taytay eke, mads, bethany morris
what are your thoughts on clingy people
ooo that they mean well but obvs cannot take hints
New friends you've kinda made this year at mgsc?
actually heaps!! MMM probs sophia and like my whole class
Come back to tramp
AH dont think i could do that
Fav year 12
ryan stringer
Be honest. Does Bailey Dillon tune you?
hahahahaha noo
When you cake your make up on it looks bad
aw okay thanks babe
I miss you so much **** :( love buf
Best mates at menton grammar
ryan stringer!!! jess robson & james humphreys
Did you and Tom Jenkins have a thing cause that's what he told me?
nope just mates
How's your bf
good thanks
Why did you quit KFC
didnt like it
how about top 10 nice guys
mmmmmmmmmmmmm way to hard to narrow it down that much
5 Nice guys from age 8 to 88
ah... usual suspects. ryde, ryan, kai, gary, will
thoughts on stuart cafarella
OMG nicest guy! only just met him but yeah great boy :)
Your such a really stunning girl! Gorgeous smile! Super skinny, and one of the most caring people I've met! So happy I can call you a friend
hahahaha soooo original
Whats ryde outta 10?
ah probably a solid 2. maybe a 3 on a good day
can you even flip?
probably not anymore
yer i heard your a coffee fan
what can i say, nothin better
hand warmers?? any good
oath they're good! but the best way to keep your hands warm is pouring coffee over them! proven fact ;)
Last 5 insta' shave been awesome give me the back story on eash!
hhahahahahahha huh?
who's the guy you catch the bus and tells the loud stories??
um i think his name might be g-string but idk
ill bring one on wednesday :)
hahahaha yes!
Top 5 guys you trust in order. Doesn't mean you don't trust other. Just who are your top 5?
ah ryde, ryan, gary, will, kai + so many
thoughts on biv???
how do you feel knowing im the favourite child??/
it breaks my heart :( gotta get your school photo
Top 5 guys you trust in order. Any age
ahh thats way to difficult just have loads of good friends
Are you going to sanch and maddies??
sure did :)
you and Olivia close?
Olivia who?!
your so beautiful
you are
hottest chik i no
ahhh untrue but thx xx
Are you depressed?
no why would I be:)
anyone u pretend to be friends with
nahhhhhhhh love everyone
I'm a gun
definantly are!
Your qoohme is embarrasing
Ha awww thanks :)
thoughts on Shrilankin people?
bethany is the hottest shrilankin person i know but in general they are pretty minty fresh
I heard you rollerblade
fuk oath i blade. #alldayallnight
y did u quit tramp
inbox if you really wanna know but mostly because i didnt enjoy it as much as i used to
are you leaving tramp???
yes soon
TBH kyle hurlstone
tbh kyle is my least favourite gymnast
BYO vibes
HAHA its always byo vibes
the one just uploaded
hahaha ah thanks
You're ****ing hot
naaaaaaah but thanks xx
that photo of you from ages ago on Insta is so cute
hahahahah what one are ya talking about??
Let's put on way to much fake tan and eat tacos :P
anyday of the week :) :)
Thoughts on tyler brodies punched eye
looked brutal, hope he is okay :(
Who are you dating?
tayla eke
so you and ryde are only friends?
naah i wouldnt say so
do you like brigid kelly
Who would you like thank today and what for?
bethany morris for being an all round babe
when you quit tramp everything will change I seriously don't know how you're just leaving something that's irreplaceable
its one of the toughest things ive ever had to do but its been my life for 10 years and its time to see what else life has to offer
Are you too just friends
Are you going out with Ryde? Is he your boyfriend .
Thoughts on giovanna DA silva
aw we were in the same class last year and she is such a babe!! annnd she is looking incredible! ahh seriously my inspiration
you are attractive
no no you are