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The time that I was born till like now
From the school? If so, Ray, Birtles, Nazz, Austin and Dyl.
Stop looking at my cute butt, maybe that's why it's sad.
Please, okay i don't want to rant but unless this is one of like 4 people who actually put in some what of an effort with me the whole time I was at school you generally do not have the right to tell me that your time spent at the school is horrible without me. Why act like you care now, when I clearly no longer can do anything about it.
Well I'm actually so good I could rap myself in a giant pancake and become a pancake burrito. No, I actually quite fine thankyou
I honestly don't know where to start with Birtles, he's seriously one of the most greatest people I have ever met I am honestly like blessed to have him as a friend. Honestly so sad that I don't get to see him everyday. I mean he was one of two people who stuck by me when everyone left, I couldn't thank him enough. So sad I don't get to share a locker with him! He better have kept it clean lil shi*. But all in all love birtles! And our lil Donovan
I miss you more sweetie
You are the cutest ever ugh! Reveal yourself!
AWWWW, this is so great. Thankyou so much, wow I can't even reply like wow. <3
Hahah I feel u niggi
How am I supposed to be Burger King when Facebook won't let me live out my destiny, u feel
Heheh, yes I r.
I think we're pretty equal tbh
This is so sweet! :*, love the sassy ending. I'm not sad anymore tho, but Thankyou bb
Oh hey... Hey ray hey hey
This is clearly someone ****ing with me and literally **** you this is not funny. Wow
I call bull ****.
I mean i am really sorry. Like idk it's super nice that people actually care but like at the end of the day i am more than happy right now. Like if you want chuck us an inbox and ill apologise in person idk it seems nicer.
WOAH WHAT? well what idk how to reply like do i say im sorry im sure you're a really nice person idk it's kind of nice but yeah idk sorry
i am the one and only sweg lord
yeah trent said i was lul
Love you court. :*
helping me by putting this kind of stuff on my conscience. I don't understand what you're trying to help me with there and if you actually cared you would have told me weeks ago, in person.
Can you just **** off.
Well **** rnI hope it's not true and believe it isn't. rnIdk I think someone would have more decency to to tell me this kind of **** in person and not on some stupid website on anon. rn
That is actually super disturbing
~ said no one ever!
Sorry it's not for sale
Oh Jesus.
Who r u
A match into water - pierce the veil.
fabulous choice my anon friend.
Clearly you want to touch my butt.
I know this.
as* so fat all these b**ches.....
I just realised I don't like den lyrics lul
Now make that mother f***ker hammer time
Go stupid......
It's pretty firm, naht bent yaaaa
Courtney kemp is the se*iest girl to walk earth
I don't have babies
Babies are disgusting
Consider your last name king lul.
I took my temperature, I am currently 36 degrees.
I am around the average body temperature.
But tenks for your concern
Aw thanks! You too
No homo
I know like, I need to go to A.A
Bc i am that bad
Um 11
Or I broke the scale
... Maybe 12
more than you sunshine
He's fkn hilarious. So dopey, will never ever fail to make you laugh and he is such a good friend to have around.
Aaron: is gret. Could possibly be the most trust worthy person I know. Deffs a fave!
Bred: bred is stupid.
No bred is great, he is my bestie 4 lyf yeah. #crust4bred.
Bianca: um, can be nice, had some funny times with her back in the day idk.
Jade: she's cute, never stops singing ever! But she is very nice and means well and pretty!
Madi: I hope this is the madi I am thinking of, if so very pretty, don't talk much.
oops soz hehe
Thanks niglet but I just do not care HEHE
Your opinion is irrelevant, stupid and completely wrong. Go home thanks.
Idk, like I can't see it bc every time I stand I frog of the mirror it breaks.
But thankyou homes
You called me olive?
Is it bred lul
U r an bish thnks
rnU kys u f**it
No u r
FAK u lul