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onassis ouk



196 Replies

thoughts :) thirstyrat

eww get away from me HAHA

onassisouk replied 3621 days ago

How was ur Jmss exam? Do u think u would get in?

hahah no way and it was okay thanks for asking (: I'm just happy I tried out I don't live my life regretting that I didn't try tbh

onassisouk replied 3668 days ago

Fking r u stalking me qoohme m8? Damianngauu

don't be silly homo damo

onassisouk replied 3670 days ago 1

thoughts on me !! amythomas

awh Amy miss ya heaps omg :( um haven't talked in ages but I remember you used to be the mature gal in our gang back in '12 & '13 omg u never laughed at our jks u used to just smile and pretend it's funny dw ik ur laughing on the inside HAHA and u were so pretty Man U were always like ew pimples like no stfu I have them u shut ur pretty face and u had nice as long legs dude frkn Amy u used to be spastic and funny omg and I rmbr when we pretended u injured ur knee and we took u to the office omg we left you there HAHAHA soznotsoz tbh HAHA whenever we were together just the two of us we used to always just chill and talk about serious and mature stuff I rmbr when we went to the gym to talk about relos and memories and **** LOL gay yr 8s tbh we had so much fun together and I hope ya having fun at wello with ya new homies and hope to see you in the nearby future qt! xox

onassisouk replied 3672 days ago

thoughts on me ? andyhuynh770


onassisouk replied 3673 days ago



onassisouk replied 3674 days ago

hello cococookies. do u want in OR WHAT queensarlina

hahah nah he's into some other chick

onassisouk replied 3681 days ago



onassisouk replied 3683 days ago

hey :( andyhuynh770


onassisouk replied 3683 days ago

ily :) andyhuynh770

ok andy

onassisouk replied 3683 days ago

fk u andyhuynh770

fk off

onassisouk replied 3683 days ago

Adrien says u say "hi" hi TommyTaa

hello tommy ta

onassisouk replied 3683 days ago 1

come back to keysie i miss your legs

not sure if hatin or LOL

onassisouk replied 3683 days ago

Hi Onassis Damianngauu

um stop being homo

onassisouk replied 3686 days ago 1

WHAT! I won't be mean anymore :c promise! Plsssss I'll talkkkk (maybe) U R DA BULLY Damianngauu

HAHA allg u seem pretty kb, really quiet and watta hardworker in maths LOL lemme copy ur work thanks xo we should talk more aye? (:

onassisouk replied 3697 days ago 1