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gaming probably.... or *ex.... idk it's about even
your an awesome friend and i love our conversations.. even though they always end up in poke wars but you always end up making me laugh and i thank you for that.
im am caring to the point where i will put myself on the line for someone close to me and i will always put others before myself
sorry im too *exy for nudes ;)
bronwyn and ashley.
what do you need help with and what magic?
sadly i don't have one and i don't think i have any chance with the one i wish i could be with
well thank you haha may i ask who this is?
what the **** have you got planned?
sorry but im really not interested, im already in love with someone and im not really looking for a relationship right now anyway.
hey wigga! how you been?
come on lets go and play. i never see you anymore, come out the door, it's like youve gone awaaay. we use to be best buddies.. but now we're not, i wish you'd tell me whyyy. do you wanna build a snowmaan? it doesn't have to be a snowmaaaan.
i wish i could be better around people and have closer friends.
please never speak of rape around me.
i'd rather pick the guy.
hard and fast - slow and loving, bdsm - cosplay and everything in between.
im bi
idk, im not sure she really looks at me like that...
slap em upside the head ;) haha no it really depends on the age, if they're a baby just pick them up and just hold them for a while and give them some warm milk, i also sit them on my lap and let them watch anime with me. although if they are between 5-12 sit them in front of a tv with a snack after they've done all the chores they needed to do because it's something to work towards and anyone older then that shouldn't really need much just tell them what to do then let them play x-box or something as reward.
oh i wish that were true, im not sure if there is really anything there towards me.
most of it was good but the last 2-3 weeks have gone horribly
there's a couple people but i don't want to say who
Ashley Rutland-macdonald/CuteLittleVixen
ive spent alot of time around them and looking after them, i also would really love to have one of my own some day.
honestly ive got people who get on my nerves but i wouldn't kill anyone unless it REALLY called for it.
how you remind me - maroon 5
yea with love.... haha im a failure when it comes to love
tbh no im not ****en happy i feel like complete **** and don't know what im meant to do... right now all i can honestly say is **** everything and let me rest.
yea for the most part my holidays was great, i got to meet up with alot of my amazing friends and spend some time with family.
from what people have told me. it's because i put others needs before my own, im apparently attractive, im mysterious and im good with kids.
that was a rumor i would never do that to anyone let alone a girl. honestly rape is one of the worst feelings in the world and i only wish people didn't have to feel such pain.