Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Pm me and you will find out ._.
First Date? If we think scientifically - I never really went on a proper first date, because firstly there was no romantic attatchments, nor did i know it was a date - it felt like a friendly gathering tbh
M8 :'D
What I like about my friend? How about what I LOVE about them, one thing i have to say is their humour!!! *-*
Why you anons all amazing!? xx
The "Came From Justin Biebers Rectum" Genre
Omg you absulote gem! *hugs* you've made my day that much better!!! :')
The Blood on the Dancefloor trend!
It's called "Clingyness"
Omg... Nick F, Declan, Mika - there were so many blind crushes when i was young xD
Every crush ive ever had?
Hmm welp, a lot of people know about my crushes so lets go straight to outcomes i guess?
First crush was Nick (Whom lived in america) and the outcome of that ended on a good note, just we couldnt see eachother
Second crush; everyone knows about him - Me and him found that we couldn't really be together concidering all the crap that went down between friends and also age difference so that was harsh (4 years difference is extreme!)
My current crush (who shall stay anonymous) is the greatest person i have ever know :') i absulotely adore him but im too shy to ever ask him out haha... but oh well, i guess patience is key :P
Haha thank you kind human x <3
recieved, yes.
done? yeah, noot gonna lie.
Let's not say worst, how about saying the only boyfriend that actually laster more than a year? because they were all horrible one after this (not gonna lie!). I'll have to go with my LDR boyfriend called Nick! He was the greatest/cutest guy i'd ever met through tumblr - and actually met him two years ago when i went to america! he was amazing, always brightened my day! until.. reality hit and I couldnt be with him, plus he'd found love closer to home and all i could do was be happy for him ^_^
yeah, it crushed me - but i matured from the experience.. i still have all the letters and gifts he sent me from the states! and everyday I look at my bumblebee money bank, i think of him - he was truly an amazing gentleman! ... dunno why it went downhill from there huh.. seems like i chose everything that wasn't like nick and it only ended up in me getting in rough spots
Chelsea, my 'forced' best friend in primary school.
In high school, i think everyone knows who I wouldn't like to have ever met. ;)
a certain blue app called 'messenger'.
haha aww thank you so much *^-^*
I absulotely hate puns... but i can't because I make them all the time... sadface
I dont have balance, or a bank
Well there isn't much I can say to this post sorry, but some advice I would give - hearing it from an amazing soul, is that if you really like someone, you tell them and you try and make them yours! unless, they didn't even know you existed - if that's the case then, time is key!
Shane Diesel isn't a person or is Danny D unless you mean Devito?
What is it about him? Hmm well - one thing that always stands out for me is that he's always going to be there for me, no matter what! And can put up with me x'D
First of all, it's 'Brain' u dolt.
Second of all; one good thing about Rhys is his character, which develops into charitability, then to humour, then to a long unscripted paragraph....
Gerard Way, Frank Iero, Mikey Way, Ray Toro ... OH! and Grant Gustin :')))))
This is Josh. Josh likes to be emotionally destroyed by things in Halo 4. Josh also is Jobin in disguise. He's also a strong willed, whole hearted guy that anyone can talk to and he doesn't get enough credit for what he does! You're familia Joshin, Familia!!!
MY GOD WHERE DO I START WITH MY BAE?!!! My MCR trash/Fangirl kinda gal - I love you forever you scrunchy of fun-ness and cookies! You're always there to hear our wooes and also make us feel great about ourselves!! You're an amazing role-model and an amazing senpai hun xx ily
Logana Stripsari. May I say more? Logan is utter PayDay trash but apart from that, he's a solid friend. He'll care for you if theres a problem and can always make a joke and is one half of my OTP! So i have to put up with him! (Jks)
Jasmyn has to be one of the loudest people I've ever met xD but she's an amazing equal and so down to earth! And a hella rad cosplayer GODAMMMMN! She's the kindest and most nicest people I've ever come to meet and im so greatful for her being in my life
Even though Lys is Momma Mogar, Rachael will forever and always be our big sister! Looking after all of us whether it comes to bous or clothes (even make-up!). She's an absulote goddess and i wouldnt trade her for anything xx
FIRST OF ALL: His face, like come on how can you not love a guy thats funny as hell? And never EVER misses a change to brighten your day! Patty is awesome and is the emotional toying master at CoD... #NeverForget
If it wasn't for elyssa, i wouldnt have been so out there in Roo Teeth. She's been there for me every day and always has my back, she's funny and a fiesty un huggable teddy bear! And i love her so much, she's the greatest thing to ever come my way - RWBY 5eva fam xx
Where do I begin!?? She's so cute, funny, the drank and such an awesome gal! I absulotely love her and hope she understand how amazing and beautiful she is!!!!! Love ya Spodormon xx <3
Emmi is rock. She's always rock when you need a ear, also she's the greatest thing - she's not afraid and she's crazy about dat Final Fantasy Booteh - love ya x
Trinh is my rock at school, she's always got a cheery mood and is always there to listen out! Shout-Out to Trinh for dealing with me on a daily basis! Plus our train game got stronger ;) !!
YOUR EMO OUT-DOES MY EMO AND IM SO HAPPY. I love you and your hair, persona and dem memes fam xxx
She's geeky, amazing, smol, pretty, my sisko and also my main bae x <3 forever and always hun xx
@ school
I miss you guys too <3 so much bae xxx
Aww, i'm sorry that's your perception of me hun. But if it's any help, i guess i've always been a floating person between groups of people, it helps with making new friends and maturing i found :(
but what if i - can't, wake up...
Fck Emily Paige, Marry Tayla, Kiss Elyssa (Bcs logan will get jelly then *runs up hill*
i don't mean too sadly, if you want pm me about it and i can fix things :/
Tayla, Jaxon, Elyssa, all the Emily's, Pat, Logan, Rhys, Jasmyn, Jobin, A Llama, John, + Many Moar
I don't hate anyone at this current moment except a girl from my school - unless you are her?
They are! Like seriously, who wouldn't love them?
Did you mean?
The end part of a rifle or shotgun or machine gun that rests against the shoulder or pectoral muscles to increase stability during firing.
If so, yes - yes I would.
At this current moment, i'm feelin' more Magosaurus tbh <3
HAH. I am attractive? PFFT
Oh hush, but I agree - v much Pleb, such wow.
haha well, it's all a part of the last name!