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oxana zaykova


Ask me anything you like anonymously

1k Replies

What's missing in your life ?

Wouldn't mind a dog!

oxana_zaykova replied 3521 days ago

I wanna tell you who it is but you'll laugh cause we hardly know eachother

Always better to do something than to have regrets and to think "what if I had done this"

oxana_zaykova replied 3522 days ago

I would love to have $ex with you

Would ya? Good luck

oxana_zaykova replied 3522 days ago

Spit or swallow? wtf

Wot the fcuk

oxana_zaykova replied 3522 days ago

Spit or swallow?

Yeah I've had a lovely day thanks, how are you

oxana_zaykova replied 3522 days ago

I'd seriously take you over anyone, your the hottest girl alive

Woah woah, would you tell me who you are is the question here

oxana_zaykova replied 3522 days ago

whats you're thoughts on same $ex marriage?

Just like with anything, people should be able to do whatever makes them happy as long as the inappropriate stuff is done behind closed doors

oxana_zaykova replied 3522 days ago

oh what's the reason then? Or dont you wanna say on here

Nah, no point saying it on here

oxana_zaykova replied 3536 days ago

What type of people bore you ?

Those who conform with what everyone else is doing, those who don't have their own opinion

oxana_zaykova replied 3536 days ago

You said "please don't hurt my feelings" but it seems like you're too strong to have your feelings hurt

Outer shell isn't always a reflection of what goes on on the inside. A bit of philosophy for you

oxana_zaykova replied 3551 days ago

I can't risk People finding out who I tell you

Just know that any personal **** people tell me, I don't share it. I'm not going to bother going up to these people, just simply won't trust them any longer

oxana_zaykova replied 3551 days ago

It would be weird if I inboxed you

Just try it, I don't see any reason why it would be weird

oxana_zaykova replied 3551 days ago

Be careful of cass, when yous where in arguments she said some pretty mean stuff

Is there anybody else? Cassie has told me the things she has said about me that were wrong, and it's all now stopping I think. Please just inbox me

oxana_zaykova replied 3551 days ago

I really thought you are loved at your school. Reading this you seem to be hated.

People need to focus a bit more on themselves rather than trying to bring a person they know jack **** about down

oxana_zaykova replied 3551 days ago

But just honestly, be careful, you don't know me, but I know what they're saying about you

What do I have to be careful of? It's all talk

oxana_zaykova replied 3551 days ago