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714 Replies

Who do u think wears too much makeup?

haha it wouldnt really matter

paanizh replied 4354 days ago

What the hell ! That's so mean to whoever sent the thing about all the year nines hating Paaniz, I don't know Paaniz that we'll but I'm sure if I did i would really like her but no one should be saying that LeaMichele

aww thanks anastasia xxxooo

paanizh replied 4354 days ago

stfu nobody likes you... everybody in year 9 hates your guts s oyou should just shut up and stop being so fake you slu*

haha as long as I have my friends and family that's all I care about, and it's funny how your calling me a slu* if you ask the people that really know me, I hardly ever talk about boys, I've never kissed slept or done anything se*ual with a guy and I haven't even gone out with a guy and FYI my dress is literally up to my knees I really don't get what you mean by slu*! and i sometimes put mascara or a tiny tiny bit of foundation, no offence but when you look at some people in this school they are wearing full make-up like they are going to there own wedding HEHE

paanizh replied 4368 days ago 8

Why so.good looking?

haha <3 youre a babe!

paanizh replied 4406 days ago

why werent you swimming?

i forgot to bring my bathers

paanizh replied 4406 days ago

why werent you swimming? you have a four pack! and a curvy as* and a thin waist when you work out :/

hahaha sankyou! :D but i forgot my bathers :"(

paanizh replied 4406 days ago

who is the 'my girls'!

there my girls :)

paanizh replied 4407 days ago



paanizh replied 4407 days ago

youre going to bali in july and your soooo eaxcited, wait 5 months idiot -.-

hahahahaah no change off plans april :D

paanizh replied 4407 days ago

you could actually be a model! if you get skinnier

yessums i need to workout but im still wishing :(

paanizh replied 4410 days ago

ive acctaully seen the body that you workout for under a tight dress and a bikini and it is hot!
but what happened on the hollidays :(

hahhahhHahaabahahahaah i ate soooooo much on the holdidays! and didnt excersise at all!

paanizh replied 4410 days ago

paaniz your dp is the best photo ive seen of anyone! wow imagine how pretty it would be if you were a model! WOW!

hahaha tanks :") i wish

paanizh replied 4410 days ago

do you get hate a lot?

everyone gets hate its not a bid deal but not as much as last year :p

paanizh replied 4410 days ago

youre beautiful.

aw thanks <3 love ya

paanizh replied 4410 days ago

uhm Paaniz is not ugly and I'm sure that Jeeyoun wouldn't say something like that even if she did think so, which she doesn't

:) your a babe xo

paanizh replied 4410 days ago