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Um cool, how would you know?
I have a few favourites but I'm not saying :D
Hahaha you are the definition of subtle ;)
Lol he wants my mum. Enough said.
Um maybe if I was single..
Okay Harry is hot haha I think he is good at keeping secrets and a loyal nice guy that people judge to quickly.
Haha what kind of question is that??
Sam Adam Ohis <3
Um I can never tell if he's being nice or sarcastic... I don't really no him but I guess he's alright, him and dani are cute together :)
My parents told me it was because I was too distracted by the boys haha but I think they just thought yarra wasn't right for me or my brothers.
It's complicated.. I'm not in a relationship but I'm not exactly available either.
Urgh is this Ben?! Don't diss the bachelor :( and Kim's as* is so good haha
I don't think I could pick! Everyone looked amazing, and I felt so underdressed haha
Some of my friends are attractive but there are so many reasons for me not wanting to 'get with' them. Plus I'm not exactly available right now..
I don't know haha James, Ewen, Jacob and bailey?
I really enjoyed the formal :)
One or two, I just really want girls though
Aww please text me x
It's all ****s and giggles until someone giggles and ****s ;)
I really like Anthea but I'm not friends with the other girls anymore, I don't have anything against them I just don't talk to them much.
Very true! This isn't aimed at an individual person, I just think girls in General can be so *****y and I hate it :(
I wish we could go back to the days when almost everyone was friends and nice to each other.. What changed?
Haha love you too x
There are some real *****es in our year level and it makes me so mad! Some stuff that they do and say is really hurtful and I wish they could see what they do..
No I don't :)
This means a lot to me
Haha Maddy your an idiot