paige bowers
Cutest guys from AUSC?
Hahah what is this sht
whats happened to you at school?
explain please :)
Prettiest year 12 gurl at WSSC
hmmmm i dunno
Are you and ruby twins?
ruby and i are, yes
do you have anything planned for tomorrow?
yeahhh I do
you are actually so unique its so great
bhahahaha thanks...
**** you're a funny drunk!
I don't drink :) HAHA LOL
Thoughts on Adam garoni
good kid! easy to talk too
Do you like Leigh?
Nah I hate his guts :)
Do you have a thing with leigh and be honest? Cause if you don't I'll inbox you
Well ahh no I don't have a thing with him but maybe don't inbox me I don't really wanna talk to you
Thoughts on Jordan barto.
Have you moved on from Mitch? Or do yous still have something?
Nothing at all.
What's the go with you and leigh?
Deb buddies
I wish I could take you on a date you're so beautiful!
Bhahahah you're funny
I don't really know you that well!
Thoughts on Will Hampton?
Lovely lad
What date are you doing your deb?
I'm actually not to sure of the exact date...
Ricki Hosie already has another guy? Hahah why are you friends with her
bhahaha I guess its her choice to do what she wants? not really up to me...
Thoughts on rj :)
really nice guy! haven't spoken in a while though
Potts ponded that as*
aw yea whatever you recon
Your amazing and beautiful! Love you a ton x
Naw bby
Paigeypoo ;) ahaha ✌️ :*
Are you doing deb with leigh?
Thoughts on Jashan
NiCe kid
Thoughts on ash wright, April corles, rochell smith and Claudia eames?
Don't really know them all that well, I used to be close with Rochelle but haven't spoken in a while
Thoughts on aiden cooper? :)
Lovely lad and good to be around :)
Get anon, Potts is a nice lad :)
I agree :)
can't wait to say I told you so
I honestly couldn't care less what you want
it's true get out while you can
No thanks
mitch is a fuc.khead lol good luck
No but seriously thankyou.
Get out of my room
Makes sense boi
The weather is actually really nice (:
Na joking I'll be Mitta pubing it
mitta is always good :)
Looks like I'll be camping in Mitta
Oh right
What's on for New Years lovely
umm Ill be in mitta camping, how about you? :)
such a sl*t
awhh whats your definition of a **** bae?
I think your cool
I tHink you are cool
Glad you moved on from that paki!!
youre a **** i know what you did
Don't know what your talking about..
Thoughts on Leigh Marshall?
Trust him a lot and so nice!
Who are your bestfriends ?
They know who they are...
Kublai misses you so much
He does?...
Thoughts on nick leahey?
Nice guy :)
here piggy piggy piggy
No but seriously do you want to die?
Should message me one day :)
And who are ya :)
i dont know what happened between you and kublai but from what i know he's lost someone really special, his loss girl <3 <3
Bae xxx
thoughts on tom baker?
thoughts on sophie collins
thoughts on talia petit
your so different these days, god people make chances u.t.i
Well I guess you get that hey
ive seen inboxes in which he said hes ending it ...
Yeah before he told me what happened lol
that indian **** lookin thing
why did kublie dump you? i thought u wouldve been the one to dump him?
I dumped my ex but in not sure who kublie is??
would you kiss me~ ?? ;)
Hmm depends who it is ;)
Thoughts on rj xx
Cutie and always up for a chat :)
It's alrightt you'll find someone who makes you happy more then ever one day soon xx
Yay (':
I love you personality, your just so bold and unique and you don't give a **** what anyone thinks, it's great
Awh (': made my day, much love whoever you are xx
What happened with you and kublai
Things happen
Thoughts on emily mcauliffe? :)
Omg absolute bae, appreciate her allot xoxo
You shou get a job at big w !!
I would love
Thoughts on Jordan Barton
Fave Year 11's?
From where?
Are you enjoying senior?
Hmmm yes, I think I am
**** you look 10/10 would bang at school :o your boy is missing out
What boy...
Got a thing with anyone?
Dreadlocks yuck yuck you will smell like paige the poopmaster
this is funny because I just got them re-done :)
You and Shelby are cute
Favourite guy friend
got a few
Thoughts on Mostafa??
never met the kid
I miss seeing you at school, it's so sad when I see you at senior, I just want to grab you, drag you on the bus and make you come back to catholic ):
Trust me I would be happy to come back to catholic anyday! I miss it a lot and I miss my friends!! please inbox me!! so I can go into details omg :(
I sleep on a Simmons beauty rest mattress ,so why am I still ugly?
im not to sure sorry :(
id get with you !
would you now?
Prettiest girls in your year at senior
Do you have snapchat?
yeah I do
A song that you've over played?
imagine dragons - demons
Are you and ricki still friends?
i'm not to sure? i thought so
Come to training, lazy!
mmmmmmmmmm maybe
Do you like the year 8s like abbey fry, Sophia Walsh Beth whitehead etc?
i dont really talk to them besides sophia
Answer your questions you dog
**** up naked mole rat
was jake page a good kisser?
yes he was
Do you like senior?
its really different, but its getting better :)
Thoughts on Rodney? :)
rodney is beautiful, i love him so much
Do you like ricki hosie