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who babes?
staahhhhp ittt
10 C, happy?
i like mugs ;)
you baby ;)
this isnt even a question, cat
*twiddles fingers under chin*
i took my top off once :D
are you being legit i miss them :(
not blue
jessica medra is ;)
if shapes count then savory <3
i know that you know what my answer is but you know that so i dont know why asked it because i know that you know that i know who you are:)
no, in actual fact i am 16% aboriginal and proud <3
awww no cats :( but yes i do ;)
JUMMMBOOOO *nods and walks away :3
if you are going to quote me do it right: cats are just little people with fur coats!!!!
why fank ya
im sure the felt whole, then they where headless bit of bad luck really
well thats a difficult one id say cats
f***ing cats!!!!
my cats sorry to dissapoint
BBQ all the way
because im related to you
im in a committed relationship with my cats