Paige Riethoven
What did you last Google ?
Song lyrics to find the song they belonged to
What is something that people might not like about you?
I speak my mind and I can be brutally honest
I love curvy girls?
That's nice.
If you had to choose 1 thing in the world what would it be ...
love - of all kinds
What's one thing you wish you could do every single day?
Eat pizza and not get fat
What were you not prepared for?
What would make your day?
If my 11:11 wish came true
What mistake will you never make again?
Giving people chances they've proved they don't deserve
You are offered a pill that makes you 25% more intelligent but permanently removes your hair including eyebrows. Do you take it?
No ??
What was your first relationship like?
Non- existent
What do you have no time for?
Girls with catty comments
What is the worst trend you participated in?
Wearing lumo
If you had clto choose death by heat or death by cold (is those were the only two options) what would it be?
Probably death by cold because death by heat would involve dehydration and I don't like that feeling.
You smart, you loyal
You smart, you loyal
Where are you from?
The hood.
You're so cute and have really cool eyes and hair keep on the fleek.
How old will you be in 2030 ?
30 , that's quite scary.
You're really inspiring and I like that about you.
This literally made my day thank you so much ?
You're really inspiring and I like that about you.
This literally made my day thank you so much ?
If you were God for a day, what would you do?
Nothing because I wouldn't be able to do a better job than the man himself.
I love your blog gurrl RobynRin
Thanks babes new post coming soon soon ?
How many doors do you have at your house?
15 lol
What is your motto?
Never dress down to meet anybody else's standards they can dress up to meet yours
I miss you
Message me and we can make plans x
You so full of yourself...
That's sweet x
Who do you look up to and why ?
Anybody who achieves their goals because they have the courage to do what everyone else can't.
I can't feel my face when I'm with you
But I love it
Favourite John Green book?
Paper Towns and Looking for Alaska
I think you're really stunning and I just wanted to let you know that. Xo
You are honestly so sweet thank you so much and I'm sure whoever you are you are beautiful
What's under your bed?
Everything I can't fit in my closet.
The most genuine person I've ever met bae
Aww I'm sure you are too x
You are so cute
So are you
You and Paige Harwood are my favorite people!
Thanks so much
Who is your best friend ?
I have lots of really close friends but probably Paige Harwood and Jodi Biggar.
Yep defs you are.
Then it's a good thing your opinion doesn't faze me.
Are you a wannabe?
I follow my own path I don't need to follow somebody else's
All Bell miss you more (take 2)
Do you know this gurl Jodi Biggar? I heard she is hot and loves you? I don't know I just think she is cool xo
I happen to think she's the most amazing person on this earth!