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sarah rabie


ask me something and free hugs will be given \\^o^/

241 Replies

Why did you go back to Meghan after all the sht she put you through, everything cruel she did to you and other people? She should be alone as she deserves and has created for herself?

Firstly, I believe that everyone deserves a second chance, and I didn't go back to her.

pandahugger replied 2513 days ago

That turkey you ate off the counter, when you pooped it out, was the timer still in there?

??????? think you're funny????

pandahugger replied 2513 days ago

What was your first relationship like?

sht ._.

pandahugger replied 3294 days ago 2

Ur cute and adorble

You're* adorable*

pandahugger replied 3308 days ago

Cold shower for what,to downsize my dck for your tight *****?

Control yourself!

pandahugger replied 3344 days ago

I wanna fck you and drop my load off inside your *****,would you let me?

Need a cold shower?

pandahugger replied 3347 days ago

Hay Babe your pretty beautiful but you cant steql my Superman shirt hehe your beyond gawjus sweets....Remember true friends stab you from the front love you gawjus.....Jay xox

Awww babe ♥ :D and ill steal that shirt :D

pandahugger replied 3352 days ago

You're a stunning lady? all these people and their comments? we all know it's only cause it's anonymous, something will be said :| no matter what they say, you're a beautiful girl guuuurl?xxx cariannehanly12

Dude :') you are just beyond adorable ♥ making me smile :p ♥ stay purdy ♥

pandahugger replied 3353 days ago

Why do you NEVER post a clear picture of you,always a blurry one??

Because kind stranger, my uglyness will scare you away

pandahugger replied 3387 days ago

I know what you did Last year. I'm just weirdo that reads your bbm stuff regularly. Plus I feel sorry for you cause the freaks want your tasty Dough XP maybe I'm a freak after all but stay cool and remember your only as cute as your inner minion

Weirdest, most amazing message ever xD

pandahugger replied 3387 days ago

Who and when was your first kiss ?

An A$$hole and In 2012 xD

pandahugger replied 3391 days ago

What was the happiest moment in your life?

Hmm... ( ._.)

pandahugger replied 3396 days ago

If you had the option of going back in time and being able to not meet someone who would that be


pandahugger replied 3412 days ago

So who's your bf now

Hahaha don't assume sht (:

pandahugger replied 3414 days ago

Why is your bf so ugly mordekai

Meh -_-

pandahugger replied 3415 days ago