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Umm very controversial had it's highlights and low points ,lol very low points but all in all its been a learning and growing experience for me ?
lol thats real sweat but im 18 , you can ask me questions here though
hahaha browdie feels like im on a self realization vacation , BUT missions shall be complete watch the space
hahaha browdie feels like im on a self realization vacation , BUT missions shall be complete watch the space
Uhmm i don't think i saw any girls backstage
Lol I'm not about chicken murder
Thank you even though I'm not sure who it is ! Hmmm Eyy that's a tight one but a hug would do most def coz i don't know ya
lol No, I am currently not taken
My mom
??Ummm not a lot hey , I usually get along with almost everyone
I consider my self as a nice person ,but thanks for the tip
Woolworths but I fuxed around and tore it myself ?
?i tried , i tried ??thank you
í ½í¸the list is so long , has to be Pablo though
Chris browns coming for mother of all partiesí ½í¸
gran gran on the cheekí ½í¸¢í ½í¸
Durban ,pinetown
hey , wassupí ½í±
thank you í ½í± !
browdie I honestly would be lying if I disagreed í ½í¸í ½í¹!
Time to my self
Haha thank you !
Hate is just not in me ?
Loyalty always !