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ur q is kind concrete n undrstndable 4 me
uhm....what do u wana do with her name?
definately a yes....coz my gf's neva complain bwt it, n they keep on wantn mre.
i realy dnt have a clue, coz i'd b very i'd try 2 improve
i've neva dne that n wouldnt do that at al
well i wouldnt wana judge them much, coz usualy it depends on hw much they both lov each i wouldnt say i prefer it coz i dnt like.
it has 2 b askin my mum 2 borow me her car so i cn go see her makoti 2 b...that sound stupid 2 me coz i told her m gng 2 c ma gf usin hr car
am i a flirt.......uhm depeends on the type of person i flirt with.
yeah im dating a person i love.....
not that i knw off, did u hear anytn?