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phoebe pearson


Ask Away xx

77 Replies

Top 5 least fav girls in ur class


phebz_18 replied 3112 days ago

Number from 1 to 5( 1 being the best and 5 being the worst) BOYS!!!!
James r
James d
Do it you little chicken !!!!

Nah I'm alright

phebz_18 replied 3112 days ago

What do you want most out of life?

To actually have a life and to get an amazing job! ❤️

phebz_18 replied 3393 days ago 1

fave yr 9

Taylah!!! xx

phebz_18 replied 3396 days ago

thought baby- watto xxxxx


phebz_18 replied 3396 days ago

thoughts on j.t.

he goes okay!

phebz_18 replied 3396 days ago

Yo ugly asf bruh


phebz_18 replied 3396 days ago

If you lost everything tomorrow, whose arms would you run into to make everything ok ?


phebz_18 replied 3396 days ago

Thoughts?? Xx Ewajusticee

You are freakin amazing i love you so so soooo much it has been great meeting you and actually becoming like best friends u are always there for me and i love you so much for that words really cant explain how amzing and nice and funny amd so many more reasons why you! love Aunty SAS!?

phebz_18 replied 3396 days ago

Guess Who babe Xx Mati_bae

Mati! ❤️

phebz_18 replied 3401 days ago


Why what??

phebz_18 replied 3411 days ago

Trustworthy friends! X

All of them! ❤️

phebz_18 replied 3412 days ago

Last great thing you did ?

I don't no! Hehe

phebz_18 replied 3413 days ago

Thoughts ?? X Cornya

You are really pretty wish we were close like we used to be! You are also really funny and just amazing! ❤️

phebz_18 replied 3413 days ago

Whats your favourite feature on the opposite $ex?

Face! x

phebz_18 replied 3418 days ago