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phoebe tran


i hate people because it's free

3.2k Replies

vu you fat sissy **** cant fight for ****

lmao vus not fat bHhaha its unecessary and stupid to make comments about someones weight, he cant fight? lol try him kunt

phoebeetran replied 3615 days ago

why did banh mac and nguoi dan ong xau xi Vu ban me from asking

cause youre unwanted lmao if youre so desperate to say this to us then say it to our fking face pussc

phoebeetran replied 3615 days ago

Can money buy love?

youd have to ask neyo about that

phoebeetran replied 3625 days ago

Favorite songs?

Too many holy crying

phoebeetran replied 3632 days ago

You're into Richard now and she's I to Damian AHAHAHAHA

wait what i dont get you im not into richard?? richard who?

phoebeetran replied 3632 days ago

i have bigger boo*s than you


phoebeetran replied 3633 days ago

what's a fine lady like you doing next saturday? (:

aww xx i have school yuk as ):

phoebeetran replied 3633 days ago

you eat too less

if one whole pizza and two garlic breads for lunch is too less then im very sorry

phoebeetran replied 3633 days ago

pikachuuuuu >.<


phoebeetran replied 3633 days ago

kAwaIiii desuuu ~~~~ :333 *^*

???D??D WHAT

phoebeetran replied 3633 days ago



phoebeetran replied 3633 days ago



phoebeetran replied 3633 days ago



phoebeetran replied 3633 days ago

are you close to theodore?


phoebeetran replied 3633 days ago

you smell nice

well thats a bit creepy

phoebeetran replied 3633 days ago