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Only like five. Not that many
:) thanks, thinking of removing them soon and getting all new ones. So my face isn't over crowded. Favourite song ever? Is a hard question.. Probably some biggie smalls no doubt. All biggie smalls. Or beyonce because she's a queen! And i stopped eating all the **** I was eating. And ended a relationship which made me make myself *exy so I could feel good about myself, and hook a new catch which I did. :) I feel *exy so thankyouu! Can't wait to tone up and start pole dancing for exercise!
no, I cut him out of my life. Mo money mo problems. I'm happier now making my own money which I make alot of by myself anyways. So no.
Can my piercing count? If not my bones! Love how my hips and collar bones are so visible.
Yes seeing my mum's boo* job looking so good really makes me want to save! I use to have double D's I now have Cs, I lost alot of weight also, and it'd make me more confident and feel *exy. so why not!
Dark goddessz? Haha
Wow thankyou, don't be so anon. Made my day xxx
thank you xxo ���
Wanna buy me a phone? Honestly I plan to once I buy a phone. So cute wow
obviously not
:B awh shucks thankyou