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Slept with my boyz a big NO, I won't. Slept with any other ppl I know hell yes at this age where will I find a "virgin".
If I know who wants to know, I will answer this one effectively and from my heart
No why will I do that I am a man with principals. And I always protect those principals.
I'm not a cheater. I am a man of my words.
If she will grant me the right to say it loud I will, but can't. just know that she not Nguni (Zulu,Swati, Ndebele or Xhosa)
I am a human being, warm blooded. I do need opposite *ex sometimes. if that qualifies me a *exaholic yes \"I AM\". about positions, I will leave that one to the bedroom.
Mbali Ngwenya, too much. she was a woman and half.
She is pedi, won't say names. yes I love her
Pride, Joy and happiness.