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1.2k Replies

no one even knows where or who you are anymore. Whyd you disappear

Ahaha what? This didn't make much sense. The people who actually matter in my life are still around. I didn't disappear.

possumtree replied 3682 days ago

Yeah idk was like 95 or somthing! Now it's like 32.

thats crazyyy! mines around 30 now too, was 67 or something like that.

possumtree replied 3686 days ago

Are you seeing anyone atm? :)

LOL it's jelena... Who could I possibly be seeing :')

possumtree replied 3689 days ago

idk it not that bad ay, probs still better then it would be if i didn't get it done. lol did you have a doc that kinda gave off a pedo vibe?

What were your degrees at? Probably huh! Haha yes one of them, I had 2 though one was some Asian chick

possumtree replied 3689 days ago

I got it done back in bosna in a bath tub full of ice we used rakija as anesthetic and antiseptic, recon that could be the problem? Lol jks did it at the royal children's hospital.

Hahahaha, oh nice we probably had the same doctor or some ****. As if yours hurts more now though.. That s*cks !

possumtree replied 3691 days ago


i hope you like walruses as much as i do

possumtree replied 3691 days ago

lol id feel like a weirdo inboxing you now! yeah that gay. not **** i recon i was better before the surgery. only problem was it was getting worse every month never hurt before it, yeah i get them random spasms too. **** it still better then aids.

i promise you i won't think any different of you haha! Oh so you had the surgery? this is coool, inbox me seriously! they might have pinched a nerve or something :( where did you get it done?

possumtree replied 3691 days ago

**** you and your spine bish...I lied your gross

**** off kerim u gay **** go eat on your own.

possumtree replied 3691 days ago

hey your bloody hot as, but yeah sirisly i also have scoliosis and **** does your back hurt? did you get a spinal fusion? i did the drugs were about the only good thing about it.

hey cheers haha, look feel free to inbox me for the details. i don't mind talking about it or helping out at all. Occasionally my back hurts still or i'll get a random muscle spasm.. but before i was bed bound for majority of my day. Yeah i got spinal fusion, and i'd recommend it if you were a valid candidate. But like i said inbox me, i could probably help you out more that way.

possumtree replied 3691 days ago

I think your as* must be the only thing better than maccas

legitimately lol'd :')

possumtree replied 3693 days ago

You must be worrying for alot of children then

Haha, i doubt it dear i doubt it.

possumtree replied 3696 days ago

I just want you to squash my face with your as*

lets pipe down a little, what do you rekon champ?

possumtree replied 3696 days ago

Your as*>>>>

what a beautiful compliment, i feel as if i can grow interpersonally from this.

possumtree replied 3696 days ago

Damn, I miss looking at your as* from last year

haha, i worry for you child.

possumtree replied 3696 days ago

A strong independent black women? Alright, taking that into consideration I would like to revise my offer, instead of maccas I'll provide you with a bucket of fried chicken from KFC?

But you see I'm also trying to get fit so perhaps celery sticks instead.

possumtree replied 3731 days ago