Best friend? Or bestfriends
Bestfriends; Abby, Paige, Willis and Hayden
Where is my video loser
I'm still doing assigment,
Walbs isn't moving dw
Name a person you lied to today
Thoughts on Liv Hall?
Amazing girl! Good to have a chat and laugh with, freak at all sports and heaps pretty :)
Okay you either saw your reflection when you wrote this, or your talking about my appearance
Either one, I think you hit that nail on the head
Have you ever farted in public?
Pfft who hasn't
Fav year 12 guy?
I like don't even know any of them really but
Uhm, Dylan jones is pretty nice !
Why did you and Andrew break up?
The bugger did it over text.
All is good and well now
Thoughts on Charlie bahr?
Such a hottie!
Best hair, need to talk more though. He's very quiet. Or maybe I'm to loud when I talk to him?
But overall nice, funny, attractive and great!
You are so gorgeous :)
Awh thanks,
Who are you?
I need to complement you back!
What do you think of tristen
Never really talked to the guy, seems like a good lad!
Who do u reckon is the weirdest guy in year 10
Paige voss
Whilst you say the dumbest thing you have ever heard is "amuse or abuse" you have indeed said it before...
I have said it before,
But then I realised how dumb I am for saying that. Why would I allow myself to be abused?
Thankyou for showing me my ridiculous ways
Thoughts on kieren McCarthy ?
Awh I bloody love Kieran,
He's a quiet bloke when I'm around him, maybe because I don't give him time to speak!
Such a legend.
Dumbest thing you've ever heard?
People who say "amuse or abuse"
Like man, why do you want to be abused ?
A super power you wish you had?
Make food out of thin air
Would you give me the flick?
Sincerely your toe kicker! Xx
What's the flick?
I'm not up with this modern slang ;) xx
What are you really good at?
Eating I think
Who's hotter, Lachy or Andy
I'm gonna go with option three
6 hottest guys in your year ??
Who are you dating?
Is this qooh me's way to make people remember there single ..
nah ill keep you guessing
Does guessing require me to think ? If so, I'm not up to it
oh btw any thoughts on who just posted the last 2 questions? ;)
Probably someone from my massive fan-base, but by all means reveal your identity
thats so hot! post a twerking video! plz
Patience grasshopper. One day the world will witness my twerking skills.
have u ever twerked??
I twerk 24/7
Twerking is my life
I live to twerk
Thought's on felicity dwyer? :)
Seems nice, I've never really talked to her :)
She's very pretty though, I'm yet to hear this laugh of hers?
u seriously just keep looking better every day i dont know what it is about you but your always look amazingly beautiful and dont let anyone else tell you otherwise.
-Your Secret Admirer xx
Well that was very nice of you to say :)
Thanks lots. You must be an amazing person yourself !
- Your not so secret replier xx
Do you still like Harley?
Hold up?
I liked Harley ? ;)
Does you eye hurt at all?
The one that got scratched
Nope :) it's all better now
an*** is that on the cards or whattttt......
I've never seen a card with that word on it ..
Do people stare at your eye when they walk past you?
Which eye?
Because both are pretty god dam outstanding
Thoughts on Brooke woods? Are Yous close?
Great chick, pretty funny, best eyes, care free attitude. Pretty much one top chick.
And I wouldn't say we are too close yet, but she's a great friend!
Are you mr grumby gills April!!
I know where you live !!
Ooohhhh you cutieeeeee
Fight me
You and Bear would be adorable :)
Me and Lachlan are just close friends :)
But who is this ?
The biggest mistake you made in your life?
To many replies
Thoughts on Steph Bradshaw
Funniest chick out!
So funny and I love her attitude about everything :)
I would step on Lego for you
atleast answer this is your bra size in the C cup range or D cup range?
It's in one of them yes
Do you have a crush on Harley?
It's hard to tell
I'm actually over people wanting your bra size!
They are not the only thing that's amazing about you!
Awh aha, Thankyou :)
Who is this?
Mines 12 c what's yours?
I think I know who you like
Oooh inbox me and tell then
Do you have a crush on someone at the moment ?
I wouldn't call it a crush.
Maybe like a slushie ?
But to sum it up yeah I do I guess
Thoughts on the new dungeoneering update?
I honestly don't see why people talk negatively about you?
You're ad amazing girl :)
I like to think people talking about me means they can't get me off there mind.
So it's all good, and Thankyou I'm sure you're an amazing person of some description!
How big of a bra do u actually wear?
You tell me and I'll tell you
Thoughts on Barry?
He was a good bloke until sadly he was found dead by the dam, and I belted him with a pole.
Good times
Money or Love ?
Money is love
Thoughts on shane price
Nice kid, pretty fun :)
Thoughts on the new dungeoneering update?
Not sure, what this means
Thoughts on Charlie bahr?
Such a cutie, absolutely the nicest guy ever.
He's incredibly good looking and pretty funny :)
Who was your childhood best friend?
Your mum
3 boys you wish you could be closer too
Uhm, Dylan obrien, Channing Tatum and Zac Efron
Where can a buy a social life
I'd also like to know that
would u do an***???
That makes me feel slightly uncomfortable ...
Girls you wish you were closer to?
Hmmm, Uhm, I don't know actually :)
Who is your toe kicking bud?
Wouldn't you love to know
Thoughts on your toe kicking bud?
He is just bloody amazing!
So easy to get along with and understands me.
Such a cutie and one of the best guys going :)
How long would you like to live for?
what r u doin lol
Answering this question
You are the biggest hypocrite in the entire world
Have you met the entire world?
What turns you off in a girl/guy ?
If they aren't a girl or guy
What is success to you?
Being able to successfully jump over a damn with my pole vault pole
You really have changed April
Well yeah, but everyone changes. Some things get better and some things get worse.
Like I had jeans on and I changed into pj pants
No one wants to be the conspiracy camel guy
That's the best guy to be
It's weird because we have never talked before :)
Your point being ?
Don't worry about who I am, who are you?
You tell me and I'll confess
Thoughts on georgie Schulz?
She's hot like a sunrise.
But has bad toe knuckle hair
This is what my Saturday night has come to, teach me to love again will you April?
Ahaha who is this anyways :')
So did I, but on my back
Merlin's beard!
What if the human race is actually baby camels in costumes and we are all unaware that we are actually camels
I found a zip on my back...
Why not teach cameloghy
Or camlish?
Obviously, what do they teach at schools these days?
Math? I think?
But camels are so majestic ??
I know, so does that mean that baby camels are even more majestic?
Thoughts on Keisha Follett?
Don't think she liked me to much, but oh well
Seemed like a nice girl
How are you so smart?
Dunno, I fell out of some trees when I was little and crashed a motorbike so maybe that got the old ticker going
Do you currently have a crush on someone?
Sure do
What makeup do you wear
Mascara :)
Nothing else then that, I think covering up yourself is stupid
If you could delete one thing from this earth what could it be?
Top 3 year ten boys at billabong are....?
Willis, lachy, Hayden, Harley and Harry :)
Fave year 9 girls in drama?
Uhm, no idea :)
Favourite three year 9 boys?
AJ, Damian and Charlie :)
How awesome are you on a scale of 1 to 10?
You tell and I'll tell ?
Do you think you are annoying?
Are you trying to tell me something ?
But yes
thoughts on octavia?
Aha she's a babe!
So nice and best smile :)
I've already made up a contract. Just sign here thanks ________
I would like to know who is having my life Thankyou.
Um can I have your life?!!
Look, Uhm I guess?
You're going to have to sign a contract though, I can arrange a meeting.
But who is this ?
Thoughts on Trent?
Uhm, don't know her too well,
but she seems really friendly and pretty :)
Why does no one like me? :(
Erhm, who are you and we will discuss this matter ...
How do you pull all da bois??
Have to tie them up and drag them along, because that's the only way I could pull them
Thoughts on woodsy
Best chick!
Great to get along with and have mad chats and jokes with :)
We have gotten close and she's a babe.
Your next smartphone?
I live in the present
Because every picture I see of you I like your clothes
Uhm I usually shop at factorie, cotton on or rebel sport :)
Who's this ?
Seriously where do you buy your clothes??
My clothes Uhm why ? :)
Why do you hate me ?
Erhm who are you ?
Inbox me ?
Smartest person?
Albert Einstein
Is there anyone you miss? and who and why?
And reasons.