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montana cooper



99 Replies

Who was your first crush ?


purexsadness replied 3569 days ago

Go kill yourself


purexsadness replied 3578 days ago

How old are u turning this year

I already had my birthday

purexsadness replied 3578 days ago

What gives you peace?

I'm not sure, I'm just peaceful in general, to be honest.

purexsadness replied 3623 days ago

thoughts z neishaaaaac

Such a stunner girl, good body, it's good that you get along well with most people, real nice girl at times, don't think you like me, though. But allgoods, should talk more and yeah. Take care. :)

purexsadness replied 3623 days ago 1

you guys are giving hate for montana being aussie white? if you have a problem go back to your country where you belong

Omfg ahahaha, ily anon.

purexsadness replied 3623 days ago

What do you spend your money on the most ?


purexsadness replied 3625 days ago

Montana! it's abit delayed, but rate- 8/10 xx Miiaaahayley

Thanks doll xxx

purexsadness replied 3625 days ago

lol u and bella = vusc ****s

Kindly **** off, or come off anon, it's as simple as that.

purexsadness replied 3625 days ago

stop walkin round school like you own the place like no, ur ugly, and ur white u dont belong at vu or this earth

Come off anon, yeah? Pathetic littke ****.

purexsadness replied 3625 days ago

fkn fat ****tt no wonder why u arent ever in sport

Lmaoooo, you're cute.

purexsadness replied 3625 days ago

u act like u r top of vu like hun ill fk yo skanky as* up lil stupiddd as* bish thinkin u iz tuff n all

You're cute, you think I'm acting tough, yet you're the one hiding behind a computer screen, on anon. Alright, little one, alright.

purexsadness replied 3631 days ago

What one thing do you want the other person to do that would fix things between you?

Honestly, just to stop running their mouth about me, then acting as if they're innocent when I confront them, also, for this other girl to realise that her boyfriend, that happens to be my ex, is fkn using her. It destroyed how friendship, and I am not willing to be in a friendship with someone who care's more about whether their boyfriend thinks they're pretty or not, then the people who actually give two ****s about them.

purexsadness replied 3632 days ago

Thoughtss ? cobeyyy

One of my main boy's, such a humble and welcoming kid. You're tiny, aw. You and Hayley are cuties, I think that's how you spell her name, I don't know. Get all the girl's on your Instagram, they should hop off & kickback, aye. We've drifted heaps :( Hope we can talk way more than we have been lately, and hopefully we can kick it someday. :) Much love, Coebae. xxx

purexsadness replied 3634 days ago

How do you react when you encounter a homeless person?

I always genuinely feel sympathy for them, many of them are lovely people who don't deserve to be in that position, whatsoever. I tend to try and give them money, or food, and I sometimes sit and talk to them. Honestly these people need god's blessing and help to get by.

purexsadness replied 3634 days ago