Thoughts nigga xxx

I honestly don't know what to say. No matter what I write, it won't give justice as to how Beautiful you actually are. You have the kindest heart, the cutest laugh, and you're just a delight to be around. We've been friends for quite a while but over the past year we've become inseparable. ;) School is only bareable because I have you to spend almost every moment of it with. We literally talk about so much stuff and we understand each other like we are the same person. :') You're such a Gorgeous girl and deserve the best of treatment. I'm so glad you have Kalem because you always seem so happy when you talk about him or are around him. I admire how strong you are. You don't listen to the haters and you always stand up for what you believe in, including myself hehe. The best part is that we don't ever fight. (Apart from in Maths which is ridiculous) ;) haha. I Love how I can be myself around you and I honestly wouldn't change a thing about you. You're Perfect to me. Seeing you sad or struggling, breaks my Heart. :'( We have made some of the best memories together and I'm sure there's many more to come. :) I hope we can stay the closest of friends because I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost you. :( I Love You Jaide. <3 xxx

Meganhecker1 replied to _jaideashcroft 3746 days ago

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