Haven't asked in a while and I'm a little curious, so thoughts on me please in the most honest and describable way pls :))))

well we haven't really talked in a while and i haven't seen you in ages, but you'll still always be one of my closest friends, and that one i can go to about anything, you're really caring and just so lovely to me, you're funny and have a really good sense of humor. we have so so many great memories, including our deb, or when we get really drunk together and look after each other, i think you're one of the only people i can actually have a dnm like face to face with and i know that we can talk about pretty much anything and i love that, and i love that you never judge me hahah aw. i miss you so much and we really need to catch up soon, you mean a lot to me chloe and yeah i love you lots xx

kadestevenson replied to _chloe_ 3491 days ago

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