thoughts on t hayton mannnn x

tayla is honestly one of my best friends and always will be, she's such a kind hearted, beautiful girl with the cutest little giggle you'll ever hear. her face and everything is just to die for and i couldn't ask for a better friend because i have no idea where i'd be without her. she has been there for me since half way through grade 6 and we've been close since i moved houses in year 7. I have so many memories with her it's crazy. i love how we have those morning before school where we just annoy the **** out of eachother and we get so moody and *****y but in a matter of seconds we look at each other and laugh at how stupid we're being. i love you so much tayla and i would do anything for you. THANK-YOU FOR JUST BEING THAT ONE FRIEND I COULD NEVER EVER REPLAce xxxxxxx

Renae.B replied 3492 days ago

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