Thoughts x

I absolutely adore you, you're my little Mario and I will always be here for you, no matter what problems you face, you're such a lovely boy, and I love the friendship that we have, I love that whenever I'm mad at you, you just tell me I'm being a ***** and to get over it, and I do, and then everything's all g again hahaha, we've been through so bloody much, and we're still stronger than ever, yin yang, two man clan and hamburger are all some of the best things our friendship involves and idk, I'll just always have so much love and admiration for you, you're literally perfect (except you're a c unt) and yes, you deserve complete and utter happiness, and I'm so glad you're finally starting to become happy again bc seeing you sad makes me sad, and now I'm rambling oops, but yeah, love you mario xx

coffff_dawg replied to JoshHamblin21 3423 days ago

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