Thoughts my munchkin xxx

You are my world, my best friend the reason I smile well because of your twerking haha but our first sleepover was last weekend and it was that good to be around you it felt like we have had sleepovers for ages but your a great girl with so much to do in life tbh I reckon you'll so so far because of how bright minded you are but we have the same ta and we are just crazy when we are together like honestly you understand me more then anyone and I can't thank you enough for every time you have been there for me and the times I have been there for you, but honestly we have had our ups and downs but your just gorgeous and I just love you loads and plus no one understands boys more then us aye but your my favourite and always will be so chin up and I'll be here with you to get your smile back up again plus your more then welcome here whenever you need okay princess but I just want to say THANKS FOR BEING THE MOST PERFECT BESTFRIEND IN THE WORLD XXX

Little.Keiraatho replied to sarahbodillly 3238 days ago

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