Thoughts x

You're my absolute everything T. My little sister, my boo, my Geordie to my Shore, my JWWOW to my Snooki. You've been my best friend for 3 years now, and I couldn't ask for anyone better to walk into my life. You're the reason I'm still breathing and that's a gift I will spend the rest of my life paying you back for. You mean more to me then any silly boy, and I'm never going to choose someone else over you! We have our ups and downs, but can never stay mad for too long! We have the best memories together, and some of the worst, but either way, good or bad, they are apart of my life with you! Since day one we have planned to move in together and have two massive mirrors leaning against a wall next to each other, with beauty lights surrounding them and all of our makeup spread on the floor. We're gunna have a coffee table outside and every morning whoever wakes up first gets the tea and coffee and cigs ready! We planned to drive to Melbourne at 3am to get ice cream when I got my P's, and you're going to be one of my god mothers and bridesmaids! I cannot tell you how much I love you T, and how thankful I am for our little infinity together! Xxx

haileylouise replied to tahrveit 3177 days ago

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