If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?

Life gets hard, in fact it gets pretty sht. But, you can sit there and be sad, or you can get off your A$$ and do something about it. When you're faced with tough moments, they don't last forever. I know in the moment you feel like it's the end of the world, but it's like that old saying, in order to see the rainbow you have to deal with the rain. Pain doesn't last forever. Life isn't the fairytale we grew up imagining it to be. But you learn and grow from your mistakes. Remember to always laugh. Stay as positive as you can. Every morning you should think of 5 things you love about yourself. Sometimes you need to love yourself before you can learn to love others. To be the happiest you can be, be yourself. If you're religion, race, $exuality, beliefs, likes and dislikes are different then everyone else's, you fckking own that! Never change for people, because not everybody sticks around. And when they leave you're left with nothing. Be yourself and if someone hates it, fckk em. Just remember that there's always people out there who love you. I know you feel like you're alone and dealing with this by yourself and that nobody understands. But I can promise you now, there's people in this fckked up world, who are just as mad as you are, and know exactly what you're going through. Like I said, nothing last forever. Love and be yourself. Don't change for anyone. And know you're not alone

haileylouise replied 3172 days ago

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