Hello! I have just started to get really into art and such and I have been wondering do you have any tips on how to fill your sketchbook? I've never done it and I can't help but feel like I have wasted so much space.

(1) ok so if you have a good piece of art (albeit small) that you've somehow put SMACK DAB in the middle of a paper: try using sticky-note doodles around it or draw a frame around it and continue to use the rest of the paper!

(2) comics take a lot of space. try to format them to take a lot of space! (if you need help with that it needs a whole different answer)

(3) i know val (@queenvalerie_) cuts out notebook doodles and puts them in her sketchbook in case you want to do that :)

(4) if you've done most of your art in one medium, try really small thumbnails or like "trial color swatches" in your free spaces !

(5) remember: your sketchbook is your own. and it's unique! however you decide to fill it is ok, as long as you are content with it

spicybruha replied 2461 days ago

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