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Emmanuelle Luthgardis


I want to keep

21 Replies

Hey why did u leave Redhill ?

Had to travel...blah,blah,blah

r_gardis replied 2459 days ago

Heya ??? Seh_bear31


r_gardis replied 2459 days ago



r_gardis replied 2459 days ago

Record from my webcam ue4t3. tk michelle58532

What ??

r_gardis replied 2459 days ago

Which one is your fav between Emma.D and Thash

They are both kind,lovely patient and understandable. So I can't chose one of them they both like to smile so they are both my fav❤?

r_gardis replied 3035 days ago 1

Which one is your fav between Emma.D and Thash

They are both kind,lovely patient and understandable. So I can't chose one of them they both like to smile so they are both my fav❤?

r_gardis replied 3035 days ago 1

How have you found Redhill so far

Honestly not what I excepted it to be ( not bad & not good )
But what makes Redhill the best is education and sometimes friendships (only when there's no gossip)

r_gardis replied 3035 days ago

Are u new? ?

Yes I am.?

r_gardis replied 3039 days ago

How was the year 2016 for you , so far ?

It was fine, mysterious, amusing, the best and not to forget wonderful

r_gardis replied 3041 days ago

Hey love the last time you hate my chocolate bar you had your neck big as an elephant's feet and we had to drive to the hospital love u and hope you miss e Melker

*ate* . Oh melker I miss u too and hope to see u in 2017

r_gardis replied 3047 days ago

Why are u so sweet and why did u and melker broke up

Because I understand people and avoid arguing with people also I always place myself into people's lifestyle.
I can feel that you know a lot about my life. We broke up because I had to travel and this time I know that there were no going back to Belgium so then we decided that we should broke up.

r_gardis replied 3048 days ago 1

How did you meet your best friend ?

Well at my birthday party playing with my friends??

r_gardis replied 3048 days ago 1

You have unlimited money. What's the first thing you do?

I still can't figure out what am I going with my own money so I don't know what am I going if I have unlimited money

r_gardis replied 3049 days ago 1

How can I prove it to ya babe

Pls First stop calling me babe and what happened to me the last time I ate chocolate bar from your candy pot ?

r_gardis replied 3055 days ago

Who did you kiss last ?

Sorry Anonymous only my close friends ask me that question?

r_gardis replied 3055 days ago