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whoops you just did.
Oh thank you :)
fck off. That shts personal.
He used to be a mate of mine... It wasn't planned... STOP ASKING ABOUT IT !!! It was months ago. Stop.
Gavin, why does that matter ?
What. Idk? who said we were even going to? Whenever were old enough and have enough money I guess?
But isn't a s.lut someone who has $ex under the age of 16? We weren't under 16 ... soooo ?
Haven't we all ?
That's not for you to know
He was 26 but I was 18 so it wasn't illegal
Why u wanna know?
Stop asking you sick twisted c.unt. that's f.ucked up. Why would you ask something like that? Like R U OK M8
My boyfriend. He's the most marvellouse thing to me.
The fact he lies to me.
Peter pan from 2003, childhood and a half!
Nah too personal
5? ONLY 5?? I regret almost everything!!
Tbh with ya there's way way waaayyyy more than 5 !! But uhh Emma, Lauren, Hannah, Teigan & Pat !
I dont know who you are it's on anon.........
No one tbh, why?
Tbh I feel like that one eraser that only makes things worse.
I told you I'm not saying, please stop asking me
I'm not saying because the sad truth is, the ONE person I class as my best friend, doesn't class me as theirs. In fact we barely talk now, and when we do its short and blunt.
Tbh everything
How the fck did you know someone was at my house O.o
Wtf is this Tate Langdon ?!? FK OATH IT BETTER BE OTHER WISE GTFO
What's yours.
Haven't spoken to him in months
Yeah 3 months ago? I stopped when I got my boy back.
Ayyy true
JACKSONNN!! Tank-you heaps for this! I know he isn't sending stuff to anyone else people are just saying stuff as they do :(
What no I was sent to a mental health ward. it wasn't an insane asylum... I don't even think asylums have existed since like 1950's
What rumors?
5 of the time were because of suicide attempts and other times were because of my medical condition.
If no one has any proof then I have no right to believe you. Pls leave our relationship aloneeee
Yar and?
Is that so
How would he know its you if u inbox me though
Your point?
Lmaooo do I take that as a compliment?
Da fuq would I know
And you need to not tell me what to do. Its my hair and I'll do what I want with it. If u don't like that then bugger off. I'm actually trying to grow it out. So no I won't be cutting it for the next 3+ years, unless it gets dead ends, in that case I'll trim it. But that's it. Goodbye.
Well I bloody hope so. The majority of my friends weren't from school anyway. So gtfo.
What so I'm not allowed to have friends out side of school?
Oh, probably dylan, he was a good mate to me. But you most likely wouldn't know him as he didn't go to rosehill sc or any of my ex-schools actually.
Um. What. No. Wtf. What the actual fck.
But where's the proof? ... Just asking :)
Learn how to spell properly too please
And you're * immature.
No one because everyone's a c.unt
Haha wow that's nice. Can't even come off anon. Wooh hate u 2. :')
Watched Netflix all day wbu
Haha thank you
Haha you wouldn't understand.
15+ ...... In the past 5 years ......
Oh sht, more than anyone!! Since 2010. More than anything. I swear to god
Ohh. No thanks I'm good.
What do you mean..?
Oh lol, we had a thing but not relationship
No? Says who? Since when?
Boring people? Who talk forever and ever about something irrelevant? I guess?
Well where are you? Hmmmmm
Why u ask me dis?
Lmao I am a person... Hahahah
Uhm what. Keeeeep dreamin buddy. Keep dreamin.
Ehhh 2 hours
Eheheheh >:) Nah a few things I guess
nah legit give me 5-10 minutes! im doing something atm but im almost finished
if you tell me I will
I CaNt RiGhT nOw BeCaUsE mY tAbLeT dEvIcE iS dOwNsTaIrS aNd Im Up StAiRs WaRm In BeD
idk whats going on there tbh
already got snapchat.
Yeh but no one likes me lmao.
English please
Uhhh either 'paint the town green' or 'superheroes' both by The Scriptttt
That's nice