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317 Replies

We're only trying to help ya, the floor was literally bent and it's like that in a few of your photos... not trying to be rude or disrespectful or hurt you but you needa know cause everyone else does.

Thanks Zoey x

rachelhamiltonn replied 2815 days ago

woah stop with the editing now gal

Listen here , you can talk all you want I really don't care. I know for a fact that I don't edit my photos besides putting filters on them and like why would I need to ? I find it so horrible for people to tune other people about their photos because it makes them insecure as if you are telling them that they look bad in real life , you are welcome to say whatever you want but why is it nesscesary ? Focus on your own life and stop having to btch about others - if you really have a problem just DM me and stop hiding yourself gal

rachelhamiltonn replied 2815 days ago

Saturday night plans ?

chloe in the afternoon and jaz in the evening

rachelhamiltonn replied 2823 days ago

Come to my grade 11 dance with me


rachelhamiltonn replied 2826 days ago

What grade are you


rachelhamiltonn replied 2826 days ago

are you a model

Nah I really couldn't be one - but thank ya , you are a good person ?

rachelhamiltonn replied 2826 days ago

You and Jasper remind me of Alexis seen and Jay Alverez, except still together

?? Biggest compliment - thank you!

rachelhamiltonn replied 2826 days ago

A girl who has her priorities set like you and has such a good heart are the kind of people who inspire the world.

thank you so much ?

rachelhamiltonn replied 2826 days ago

Dumb blonde

I get 80-90% aggregates in school so I wouldn't stereotype x

rachelhamiltonn replied 2834 days ago

You are so beautiful ❤️❤️

Thank you so much ❤❤

rachelhamiltonn replied 2847 days ago

Omg you're not fat you far from fat ????. please don't believe these stupid people ? cayveness

Thanks ? X

rachelhamiltonn replied 2857 days ago

It seems like you are better friends with Georgie

And you're telling me this because ?

rachelhamiltonn replied 2857 days ago

Ja shoulda s*ck a nigga dck fa free
Da lights on.


rachelhamiltonn replied 2857 days ago

Guess I should tell him...maybe show him some screenshots

Go ahead , in fact forward them to me and I'll do it myself x

rachelhamiltonn replied 2857 days ago

Does jasper know that you were dating someone else while he asked you out and then you dumped the guy you were dating on the same day?

Nope that is completely 1000% inaccurate, sorry to disappoint you

rachelhamiltonn replied 2857 days ago