rachel heywood
What's under your bed?
meg scott
hows your summer?
awesome hbu
tips for girl going into grade 11 who has lots of friends that are girls but like does not talk to boys and really wants to!?
just start by saying hi or talking in class or at lunch
Are you going to the party Friday?
of course
Favourite girls in grade 10
they know who they are
Id give ya a go
thats nice
playin hockey in lucan next year?
not playing
What's missing in your life ?
magic mike and the rest of the strippers
What is your favorite sport?
rugby and hockey
Do u wanna be an rn or like rpn
havent decided quite yet
I don't really talk to you much but you seem chill af and I'd love to chill with you man
then text me and we can chill
You must light up everyone's world when they see you :')
ahhh im not thinking so haha
I miss who you used to be
im the same person
Describe the best date ever?
anything spontaneous
That's cute:)
what is:p dude if you wanna talk lol just text me instead of spamming my qoohme you can ask me queations there lol
What do you want to do after high school?
be a nurse that works in the nicu
Best friends that are guys and girls?
they know who they are
Would you go again?
obviously hah
man theres some interesting questions on your feed lol
man i know
How have you felt bad for a person?
when they are sad lol idk
Are you looking for a guy who is hot and chases ever girl or a guy that is caring but isn't popular and doesn't have a lot of friends?
doesnt matter i like someone for who they are not whag they arent, and this is obviously the same person so why dont you just text me
Names of boyfriends that you have had?
Ever felt bad for a person before?
um yaa
Would you date a guy who is not popular and not that cute?
I am not up to talking really not liking life..
well fhen i cant help you on that one
Ever had a boyfriend?
not one that actually counted
Do you have your licence yet?
I've been feeling pretty down lately, nothings going right anymore...
well you can talk to me if ya want ahha
Have you told any of your friends that someone has self harmed themselves?
i have no idea not that i temmeber its nobodies business
Have you ever made someone cry?
probably, but not on purpose i hope ahah
What age do you think dating is go at?
when one or both can drive so your not relying on your parents otherwise thats like a play date:p
People who you want to get to know better?
anyone anyone anyone and everyome
How do you get someone to talk/like you?
be kind
Grade 10s going to 11 that you would date?
idk im not talking to any
What do you suggest for a person who self harms to get someone to talk to them?
do the same thing any other person would do, self harm doesnt make talking to people any different
Hts on Brendan sutton
he seems like a sweetheart and ive heard only good things, and hes a good singer and yaaa:p
Grade 10 guys that you wouldn't date?
thats not something i think about
Would you date a person who has harmed themselves?
again that doesnt define the person, i dont judge i like a person for who they are
What were your marks for last semester?
not sure
Would you talk to a person who has self harmed themselves?
yaa that doesnt define the person
Ur beautiful
awe well thankyouu
can I touch yur butt
no sorry
Why do people always ask you about who you dating? Don't they have better things to do, like as dumb questions like me lol
man idk
netfixs or that btch-A$$ crave tv?
hey its moi again! u play the clash of clans m8?
no sorry m8
what up homi G?
nttm home slice
Have you ever been in a relationship? I need some help on how to treat my girl right :)
lol be nice
Your so fricken popular, how can I become popular?
be yourself yo
I know you wouldn't because you wouldn't date a loner like me :/
idrk what you expecting me to say to that causr idk who you are
That's what everyone says tbh
You wouldn't date me anyways :(
you dont know that
I'd date you but you never want to hold a conversation with me :/
well idk who you are
Why are you still single girl?
idk dude
I do make an effort its just people dont want to back and i have no idea what I am doing wrong
maybe your trying to hard idk what to tell you cause idk who you are lol
Can I be a part for your partys thanks
who you?
I havent been to a party and im going into grade 11 no one will except me for who i am and i have no friends an i dont gst invited to parties so i cant make new friends there and i dont know what to do. Suggestions??
well i would just suggest talking to people at achool, they arent going to be your friend right away you gotta give it time, and you have to make an effort as much as they do:p
Who's party was last night
noah js
anyone you wanna get to know?
literally anyone
What pearcings do u have
belly button, 6 ear piercings, and getting my nose done tomorrow
your as* is bomb
no you da bomb
Annoying as* little *****
what exams do u have?
history, science, and english
You're a beauty
same to you homie
Girl who has a better as*, t*** and face then you? Be specific, use actual names
what kind of question is this
If your bank account had a mood ,what mood would it be in right now?
happy beause i just got paid, but sad because im going shopping and spending it all
Cute grade 10 guys?
a couple
Girl with a bigger and better ads then you in Medway in grade 10?
better ads? well im not a very good advertizer so probs all of em
Favorite grade 10 guys?
dude idk
Fav grade 9 girls? Like at Medway
all my rugby gals
Who's all in the party group?
lol just the guys that come to the small group parties
lol are u even friebds with Tyson n sam anymore
lol ya i am, we just have busy scheduales so we dont chill as much
Grade 10 guys that you want to get to know better?
some of the guys in the party group
Scariest feeling ever?
being scared
Thoughts on Noah j
cool dude, who is my beatfriend
Name a girl with a better as* bigger then yours?
You're a beauty
your a gem
Top ten cute grade 10 guys who go to your school?
again idk
Top ten cute grade 10 guys who go to your school?
idk i dont do these
Would you date a person who smokes?
probably not
Are you looking for a relationship?
not really, but like that doesnt mean anything