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How's that funny lol
Yeah. That's abit wrong.
I'm not try to become anything with her. She came to me for advice I helped her and now we've realised our fight was stupid and were friends. Go ask her.
Just makes me feel abit safer. He's a good guy but he's a control freak and many people will say that. I'm getting sick of this lol what exactly do you want to know
Yeah. Well as I said both of us have intervention orders on him and want nothing to do with him so we don't really care. We don't just talk about how brad ruined our lives lol. We both have boyfriends and are both happy.
She really hasn't done anything wrong lol ? She loved him.
Apparently she didn't sleep with him while we were together. But she had a relationship with him before I met him. And after. And now she has an intervention order against him as do I. So stop asking about her lol.
Seems as her own mother called me and told me he was there and she was talking to him on the phone and told me to stay away to be safe that's just me being paranoid by myself nothing. And seems as I've tried calling her and she's completely ignored me for ages I couldn't care less what she did. And my fake friends ? They've been there for me lately. Take a closer look at your friends hunny. Enjoy your drama filled life.
Haha um good enough ?
Monika didn't even have a boyfriend at Amanda's 18th lol. And she's an honest person so whatever she has told you would be true. I didn't see anything.
Why haha
Well I'm in a happy relationship now so they can have eAchother I really don't mind lol
She's a lovely girl. Still trying to bond a friendship.
I don't really care to be honest. But if it was while I was with him she wouldn't want to come near me again.
Most deffinatly do ;)
Extremely happy :)
yeah he was pretty crap.
yes, i do.
Not myself
Only on Sundays ;)