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Food, sleep.
The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars
Cycling, Basketball refereeing/coaching/statiscian, Reading, Discovering awesome new/old bands and Photography :D
How little effort I make with friends... So I shall be more social
People who make decisions on others and judge on looks alone, basically anything that annoys people with OCD, smokers, that blow smoke straight at your face, my brothers most of the time, cliff hangers on shows.
When im down i tend to listen to music and go for a long bike ride or walk and ponder life haha Best music to listen to when down is Mika, Cat Stevens, Queen, Beatles
Yes, well shopping for women's clothes isn't a strong point for me so uh...
Turn on's: a girl that puts effort into fitness and health, a great smile, good music taste and a fun, bubbly personality. Turn off's: untrustworthy, rude, when a chick swears a lot and when a chick is willing to be with anyone.
I myself am a pretty open book and tend not to have many secrets about myself
My favourite quality would have to be humor because it's good to see the light in most situations. And my least favourite would be when people have very little respect for others especially when dudes treat chicks like objects or use them as 'back-ups'.
Hmm... This is quite difficult because it depends what you value as a person and I tend to have many different perceptions when it comes to both looks and personality so there are many people I see as flawless for different reasons and I think it would be near impossible to narrow down to one or two people.
Sorry man I should have known how *exy youve been
Dan your so sporty and are always doing something to make me laugh whether it be purposeful or not! Butterflies forever and *exiest man alive winner 3 years in a row
If Kannan didn't sing it in that crazy as* Mexican voice I would not remember but yes dan you discovered it! :P
Alice--- is really clever and has an infectious laugh, and some of the things she says really worries me that they could happen... Great person to be around when your feeling down. Kannan--- ive known kannan since like year 9 or something and blame him for the amazing horse, definitely has some interesting conversations over the three years and some great/strange memories from Japan. Malvina--- umm, i dont really know malvina at all but i hear she likes walking dead and red hot chilli peppers which is always a good thing! And have heard many good things about her. Tristan--- Well, some great memories with Tristan haha probs best not to elaborate... Form assembly buddy and many awesome times adventuring in the forrest at Taggerty. Greame--- Physics buddy that pulls all the biddies, awesome to be around and is really down to earth.
I think homework is quite ridiculous because we spend 6 hours a day at school and then are expected to go home and do 4-5 hours a week for each subject. During holidays, NO they are holidays not time to do work, they are there to give us a break. But if students arent keeping up with the school work yeah go ahead and make them do it at home!
NO. I just spend my time at school for shizzles and giggles... I do physics, bus man and psychology plus tafe coz i did 2 year 12's last year...
umm... I have a rabbit, 4 rainbow lorrikeets, 1 Galah, 2 turtles and 15 budgies and a few fish. I have them because i feel like animals are great to be around and they are something i will always care for. I feel like they really understand me and i love every moment i spend with any type of animal
Alanna is one of the most bubbly and happy people I know and I don't know anyone who doesn't smile around her! Umm Jess and Seb both always have something to say that brighten your day
I really can't wait it's only 4 days!!! It annoys me that there was a mid season finale, couldn't they wait til the season finished???!!?
Why didn't ya make me black? Haha nah umm... Why can't we speak to animals?
I don't think a person needs to wait until New Years to put effort in to something they want to do but I am trying to put in more effort at being social, because when not at school I would rather sleep.
10?!?! I will list the ones I know I overplay. Queen, the Beatles, Cat Stevens, The Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Passenger and probably Jet
I tend to be happy because I surround myself with the people I enjoy to be around. And I am often tired because I spend a lot of time at basketball reffing or coaching or statitioning or something.
Shannon- I've known him since like prep and we definitely haven't always been friends haha he's a top bloke with an underlying evil genius hidden inside which comes out quite often Alice- has great taste in music! Umm her driving is pretty good and she sounds as accident prone as me! Damian- pretty out there but that's what I love about him! Although I can't always take him seriously Shana- well, there have definitely been some strange conversations! And I love the cards she makes Seb- my riding buddy when no one else will ride 210km with me haha and he keeps me entertained all the time!
I think I promised her I would so yeah
Hmm... I currently have an addiction to the red hot chilli peppers and cat Stevens umm the Beatles are definitely up there and Coldplay and Queen!
sleep. and the walking dead!
i think i would choose the holes between my toes?
yeah well cant say i would rather any of them being filled with ****...
Well, it couldn't have been as credible as the credible dunks but yes it was!
unfortunately not kind sir...